Ralyks Meets The Otherworlders

Daybreak arrived, and once it was approaching noon, all the Otherworlders gathered together.

There was only one reason for such; especially after formal training had been discarded in favor of personalized training and duels.

Since Brutus and Lucielle had gone to the frontlines—including all the competent Mages and Warriors available—the only ones left weren't competent enough to train the Otherworlders

Plus, since they were only nine now, the Capital had more than enough resources to support individual training.

Hence, pending the time for the Raid, it was agreed that this would be the new training method.

However, today was different.

All the Otherworlders were here, along with the two members of the Royal Council, to meet with none other than the Dark Adventurer himself.


"Sir Ralyks, we are so pleased to have you with us." Conrad smiled at the masked man.

"Indeed." Vida emphasized.