Otherworlders Vs Ralyks [Pt 2]

True power.

It has been, and will always be, a crushing pressure that causes the ones under it to fall to their knees.

Helpless to go against it, they have no choice but to show subservience. In truth, true power can not be resisted.

It consumes all.



Adonis struggled to rise, but there was no use to it. He could feel a weight on him that was impossible to shrug off.

Looking at everyone else, they seemed to be having the same problem.


"Urahhh!" Clark jumped from

His position, shattering the earth where they all knelt as he flew towards Ralyks.

'Of course! Clark has [Crush Resistance] based on his Class.'

Adonis swiftly released his [Absolute Defense], and Belle used her Wind Magic to propel Clark in his epic rush.


The determined boy was about to punch Ralyks and send him away from his current position.