The Confrontation

The air grew increasingly tense as the army of men began to fall within sight.

Aurora stood still, her stoic demeanor unchanging for even the slightest second, as she watched the silhouettes of the humans draw closer.

They were on horses—all of whom were enchanted to move faster than normal while experiencing as little fatigue as possible.

The man at the forefront, while initially nothing but a blur, soon became a clear image for Aurora.

'He must be their leader…' She thought to herself.

He had a fur coat on—resembling the hide of a white wolf—and he had nothing else on for a shirt, so his entire chest was exposed for all to see.

His baggy trousers firmly stayed at both sides of the mount he wielded, and his long, unruly hair made him look more animalistic than man.

He had glowing orange eyes that belonged to a predator, and his determined gaze had no hint of fear.

There was no doubt in Aurora's mind.