Talk On The Dark Gathering [Pt 2]

The Dark Gathering was a compulsory symposium that could only be initiated by a consensus by two-third of the parties involved.

In essence, of the Triumvirate's body—the Slave Union, the Mercenary Gang, and the Obsidian Council—two had to arrive at a unanimous consensus for initiation.

Also, the last party had to have at least half of the members agreeing in favor of the meeting.

Once all of these conditions had been fulfilled, all parties involved had to meet up—without any room for exception or excuses.

Refusal to participate would result in the death of the Head of the deviant group and their seed.

These were the rules of the Dark Gathering.



As Rey listened to the explanation given by Rebal, he couldn't help but feel a tight feeling in his chest.

'These guys are too hardcore!' His thoughts echoed within himself.