The Dark Gathering [Pt 3]

"Let's get down to the important bits first, shall we?"

As Scylla's melodious tone reverberated within the dark hall, everyone's attention was perked up.

Lords Bleue and Rouge seemed to be the most anxious, causing them to constantly shift their gaze to Lord Noir, who ignored them each time.

The elderly man was already done sipping his tea, so he merely kept his eyes partially closed while waiting for the words that would soon be uttered.

"Before that, I have a few things to say." Rebal raised his hand, stopping Scylla before she could say any more.

Anyone would have taken offense at that, but the Lady didn't sweat it at all.

She merely shrugged and gestured for him to continue.

Rebal rose to his feet, his eyes forming a deep glare while a frown radiated all over his face.

"I would like to know why? Why would you all conspire this way and destabilize the balance of the Triumvirate, which we spent so long trying to establish?"