Astonishing Growth

"That settles it, then. I guess I'll just be patient."

The smiling Ater nodded as Rey made his conclusive statement.

"That is most respectable."

Rey pushed himself from the ground, and in a huff of wind, he was right on his feet. Ater was right behind him, and they were both smiling.

… Almost as if they just finished having a round of fun.

"So what now, Master?"

"Well, the most urgent matters have been dealt with already. The only thing of immediate concern is completing the Royal Dungeon Raid." Rey answered.

After that was over, he suspected there would no longer be any reason to remain in the Capital.

"Calculating their current growth rate, they should be done with the Raid in about two weeks." He turned back to look at Ater.

"Then what?"

"Well, I suspect we'll finally get drafted to the battlefield. It's about time, considering we would have spent three months here." Rey replied.