Night Before The Conquest [Pt 2]

The night was awkward after that.

They had to speak to Justin, who was just returning from his meeting with his Party Members when he saw them in that corner.

As expected, he poked jokes at them and tried to probe further into what they were doing alone in the dark, but none of them answered honestly.

Thankfully, Justin only caught about a second of it, so he couldn't make any concrete case.

"Well, I hope your Party meeting went well. I'm supposed to rendezvous with them at our Group Room later, so I'm just whiling the time away exploring the city." He explained with a casual smile.

It might have been casual information from his perspective, but both Rey and Alicia received a rude awakening the moment he said this.


The had completely lost track of time, and now the meeting was probably over.

Justin, being the perceptive guy that he was, observed their shocked expressions and cocked his head slightly.