Prelude To The Calamity [Pt 4]

"You guys…" 

Adonis' eyes grew moist as he watched all the smiling faces of his comrades. Beneath their acts of bravado, he knew they were scared. 

He was too.

'We're all exhausted, and the Mana in our Enchanted Items are depleted. We also don't know who the enemy is…'

In all honesty, Adonis wasn't assured of his survival if he went alone. Most likely, he was going to die.

But… with his comrades backing him up, he felt like he had a chance.

"… Thank you!"


"Won't you go with them…?" 

Eric slightly glanced at Justin, who sat beside him on the dirty ground of the woods. He was the only one who stayed behind, while the others had long departed.

"Nah! I won't leave you by yourself." Justin responded with a slight smile.

"W-what? Why?!"

"Because then you'll be forced to come with us. That's the kind of scaredy-cat you are." Justin winked as he gave another brilliant smile.