Calamity Upon The Capital [Pt 9]


The rush of crimson energy descended like a fiery tempest, easily capable of devastating all in sight.

Adonis instantly recognized this.

If he used [Absolute Defense] to protect all of his friends, and also himself, it would not be sufficient to defend against the mighty assault that was to come—even with the buff of [Limit Transcension].

He could try slicing off the energy in the air, but he had no idea where the sliced-off radiation would depart to. Either way, his friends were still at risk.

"Tch!" Tightly grabbing his blade, he made his choice.

There was only one swift move he could make in such a precocious situation.


A brilliant burst of multicolored light instantly appeared, bursting from Adonis' raised blade. It instantly rushed to the air, covering everything like a firmament of heaven.

Instantly, this brilliant surge of light clashed with the destructive red energy that descended.