The Last Bout [Pt 1]



An instant lash of powerful wind surged from Kar'en, instantly parting the crimson blast that surrounded her.

The immense heat from the explosion caused smoke to rise from all over the area—including a portion of her body—but all in all, she wasn't badly damaged.

Her wings, which had been cut off just moments prior, were now present once again, and her four horns gleamed under the sunset. 

"You annoying pests…" Kar'en growled as she stared down at the humans who refused to die and be trampled underfoot her mighty power.

Every single time that she thought they would finally crumble, an intervention would always occur. It was fun at first, but Kar'en was beginning to get pissed off.

'Those two… where the hell did they come from?' She narrowed her gaze on Lucielle and Brutus.