Divine Battle [Pt 10]


The battle once again broke into the city square, with Dagon destroying everything in sight as it howled like an insane Beast.

The frustration of not killing its prey was getting to it, causing the creature's mind to go mad.

Devastation spread about, with Dagon flinging buildings at Rey, as well as sending several blasts from its mouth towards him—all of which were skillfully avoided.

"GRRRRRRRRR!!!" Dagon was trembling with annoyance at this point.

Its primitive mind could not comprehend why Rey was still alive, so it went on a full-on frenzy.


He set the Capital on fire with its blast, killing any human it set eyes on. Anything to sate its wrath was exploited, and through it all… Rey kept intervening.

Rey's attacks stung at best, but Dagon always recovered in a second or two. The frustrating part was that the Monster could not hit him as quickly as he could do to it.
