Council Summit [Pt 3]

"Greetings, esteemed Otherworlders!"

Conrad stood to his feet and moved towards the edge of the barricaded platform, all so he could get as close to the four who stood before him.

He had a bright smile on his face, and as his blonde hair swayed, his neatly trimmed beard seemed to twitch slightly. His eyes reflected joy—no, relief—at the presence of the Otherworlders, especially the one who was the center of attention.

"We welcome you to our summit." He continued, ensuring his tone was both audacious and respectful. 

Going as far as bowing his head before them, he concluded his opening greeting. "Thank you for coming."

Vida was also standing in front of her seat, and she followed his cue and bowed the moment he did so. Once the other nobles saw this, they knew they had to follow suit.