Rey's Takeover [Pt 2]

'Right now, I'm heading to the Shrine of the Oracle…'

Rey's calm demeanor did no justice to the way he felt at the moment. He had only spent about two days in the Land of the Elves, yet he was already as close to accomplishing his goals as he possibly could.

He tried his hardest not to be optimistic, but he couldn't help but be excited.

'If all this works out, I really have to reward Ater for showing me this way.' He smiled to himself.

Before this, Rey had no idea what to do. He suspected that he would have to wait months, if not years, before arriving at a proper answer.

~What about me, Master? You won't reward me?~

'Of course, I will! You really did a good job in our short time here!' Rey smiled some more, rendering genuine praise to the Symbiote Slime inside him.

~Hehehe… hehehehe…!~