Meeting With Ater [Pt 5]

"Emil is a different case, though."

Ater's response to Rey caused him to raise an eyebrow, but he still waited for an elaboration to be made on the matter.

"Emil is a Symbiote, and so she takes on a lot of your qualities as you take on hers. In essence, it's not like she's a distinct entity as I am. She's a part of you and you're a part of her. Ahh… how envious I am of her…"

Rey shivered slightly, definitely creeped out by Ater's words at the end.

The smile he rendered as he remained on his knees and looked up at Rey made the whole thing seem even weirder.

~Hehehehe! It's a good thing he knows his place!~

Emil's laughter of victory nearly deafened Rey's inner thoughts, almost drowning his worries. However, that couldn't completely silence the concerns that still littered his mind.

"Even if that is true, your argument for being from another world doesn't work."

"Hm? Why do you say so?"