Land Of Giants [Pt 2]

"My Lord… I have gathered all the precious materials in the Royal Inventory."

The wife of the Giant Chief—correction, former Chief—was bowing directly in front of Ater's throne as she made her report. 

She was one of the few who was allowed to speak to him, and her tone was flawlessly precise. This, of course, was due to the fact that females had better mastery over language than men—whose responsibilities as warriors came first.

As the female above all other females in the Giant Civilization, the Chief's Wife was particularly more fluent than most.

It pleased Ater.

"Good. I'll check it out soon. Use this opportunity to arrange them based on perceived rarity, so I can have an easier time checking them out later."

"Understood, My Lord."

"You may leave." Ater dismissed her with a sleight of hand, and she instantly obeyed, scurrying off to complete her order.