Reunion Of Extras

"You can also check your devices for the groupings of the other Classes and Stages." 

The moment Instructor Isra'il said this, Rey picked up his tablet.

The device was very similar to what Rey was familiar with on Earth, though there were a few differences. Still, he was able to get completely accustomed to it within a week, so he could navigate his way through practically every facet of the interface.

He already had a name and face in mind, and he didn't hesitate to begin his search on the group listings.

'What group are you in… Adrien?'

After spending just a few seconds scouring the General Roster, he found Adrien's name printed among the others. It was easy to find his name in particular, since it was the only one written and pronounced differently.

Regardless, Rey was relieved once he saw it.

'You're in my Group. This is perfect!' He smiled, satisfied with at least one thing about the groupings.