Overwhelming Despond

"H-haa… haaa…?"

Councilman Finn was struggling to breathe as he laid eyes on the world beyond the tall walls that he stood on.

The Undead Giants and Monsters had surrounded the final battlement—spreading from all the cardinal locations—leaving no room for escape.

Not only that, but the Dragons suddenly ascended to the sky, hovering all around the city… like vultures, waiting for the death of a fatally wounded animal.

It seemed inevitable that they would lose.

… That they would die.

The final battlement that once seemed tall and impregnable now began to look brittle in the eyes of the Dwarves that prayed it would hold in this moment of adversity. The technologies they had put so much faith in had failed them, and now they were helpless.

The only other option they had was to keep firing their useless canons, or for the Dwarven Warriors to finally enter the battlefield and engage their enemies in melee combat.