Reunion Of Students

[Moments Later]


Rey and the other survivors sat in silence on the beach, none of them in the mood to speak.

They had nothing to say, even if they wanted to speak.

O'jog had perfectly dispatched the enemies, and he ended up encasing the corpses of the hundreds of students in what appeared to be a cube of ice. 

He didn't say much after that, but he did congratulate everyone for surviving while giving the cheerful smile that he was mostly known for. Perhaps if this was a much different situation, the students would have been very excited to see it, and they would have probably even gushed at the sight.

But… that didn't happen here.

They all expended drearily and gave tired smiles.

They were indeed relieved to be alive, but so much was going in their minds that lightheartedness was the last thing on their mind.

'What a weird guy…' Rey looked at O'jog with a slightly careful stare.