Mission Begins

"The stronghold is well-fortified, and HQ believes it may serve as a supply hub. That means it's critical to gather as much information as possible without tipping them off to our presence. Stealth and precision are the keys to success."

Tess continued, unaware of Rey's inner turmoil.

Josh nodded seriously, and the rest of the team murmured their agreement.

But Rey's frown deepened.

'Stealth and precision are fine,' he thought, 'but they're not going to make me stronger.'

Tess glanced at him, her gaze briefly lingering on his unreadable expression, but she didn't call attention to it. She continued outlining the specifics of their route, the expected challenges, and the contingency plans.

It was a well-thought out and laid out plan, showing the competence of The Resistance HQ.

But… it was problematic—especially for Rey.

'This isn't good.'
