Beginning Of The End

Emma's lips parted in shock, and then her expression grew thunderous, eyes glaring furiously at Rhea.

"You think this is a game?! I have half a mind to skip the fucking theatrics and just send this to the Grand Duke. Spare him the headache of keeping sloppy seconds as a valued pet..."

The guard moved so fast that neither woman noticed until he had a hand around Emma's neck and was slamming her into the wall like a ragdoll.

Rhea watched with wide eyes and a slight grin as Emma struggled against his hold with wide, panicked eyes.

"Miss Wellman is an honoured guest of the Grand Duke. You speak to her with respect or not at all, am I understood?"

Emma shakily nodded, her complexion worsening the longer she went without air.

He finally released her, and the redheaded woman dropped like a puppet with its strings cut, desperately struggling to take in air.