
"So, how did you meet Niklaus?" Caroline asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh, I crossed paths with him in New York," Matt replied. "Back when I was just getting into modeling, I went to a club, and one thing led to another."

Matt chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, let's just say he lived up to the hype," he replied, matching Caroline's smirk.

Caroline locked eyes with Matt, her gaze searching for sincerity. "Are you not going to help Elena?" she inquired.

Matt sighed, a trace of frustration in his voice. "Elena can handle herself. She's got the Salvatore brothers and Bonnie. She's not helpless; I don't care much about her. She left me behind when they staked Elijah."

"Before you launch into a rant, let's agree to disagree," Matt said, holding up a hand. "Just like Elena, you forget I'm also in the ritual. Did anyone bother asking how I feel about it? No. Instead, my so-called best friend rushed to Elena's side, all concerned about her."

"But you're both my friends," Caroline protested.

In a frustrated tone, Matt spoke, "You need to get your priorities straight. Damon tried to kill you and me multiple times, Bonnie shunned you for becoming a vampire, and Elena excluded you from the supernatural drama, potentially putting your life at risk. Stefan only helped you because you're important to Elena. So, I won't be helping. I'm not the one going to die, so I don't care. The sooner you realize they don't care about you, the sooner you'll see my point of view."

Matt's frustration continued to build as he pressed on, "And let's not forget the countless times we've been dragged into their messes, always paying the price for their decisions. How many times have we had to pick up the pieces, Caroline? For god's sake, Caroline, they're the reason you're a vampire; they left you with no way to protect yourself. It's like we're just pawns in their game, expendable." Matt's voice was tinged with finality,

"They make their moves without considering the fallout on us. So no, Caroline, I don't care what happens to Elena." With those words, he turned on his heel, his frustration palpable in every step as he stormed out of the Mystic Grill. As the door swung shut behind him, Caroline rushed to the entrance, feeling hurt and desperation. "Matt, wait!" she called out, her voice echoing slightly in the quiet of the Grill. But Matt didn't stop.

Feeling the anger coursing through him, Matt walked back to his house. Upon arriving, he headed towards Vicki's room, grabbing some of her clothes. A note from Stephanie indicated she was staying at a friend's house. Matt then proceeded to the fridge, retrieving a couple of blood bags for Caroline in case she stayed the night. Determined, he got into his car and drove towards Fell's Church.


Upon entering the church, Matt navigated to where Katherine was trapped. Before stepping into her line of sight, he employed his illusions, transforming himself to resemble Klaus. With a smirk, he greeted her, "Zdraveĭ, Katerina."

Katherine quivered in her boots, her eyes filled with fear. After a few suspenseful seconds, Matt couldn't contain his laughter. Startled, Katherine looked at him in confusion. Matt dispelled the illusion and teasingly remarked, "Oh my god, did you see your face?"

Amused by Katherine's startled reaction, Matt couldn't help but revel in the moment. He leaned against a nearby pillar, a mischievous grin on his lips.

Katherine, recovering from her initial shock, shot him an annoyed look. "You find this amusing, do you?"

Matt chuckled. " I do; with Klaus about to come and ruin Mystic Falls, a little fun goes a long way. Besides, it's not every day I get to see the infamous Katherine Pierce genuinely rattled."

Katherine narrowed her eyes, her composure returning. "What do you want, Donovan? Playing mind games won't get you anywhere."

Matt straightened up, his demeanor more serious. "I want answers. I want to understand the mess I've been dragged into."

"And I've got incentives," Matt declared, holding a blood bag. Katherine attempted to vamp towards it, but the barrier surrounding the vault hit her, sending her flying back a few feet.

"Ah, ah, don't forget, you're trapped. Answer a few questions, and you get the blood and a change of clothes," Matt said, his tone firm and determined.

Katherine glared at Matt, a mixture of frustration and defiance in her eyes. She pushed herself up, brushing off imaginary dust from her clothes. "You think this little trick will make me spill my secrets?"

Matt leaned against the barrier, crossing his arms. "It's worth a shot. You're not exactly in a position to bargain, Katerina."

She smirked, a hint of her usual confidence returning. "You may have some surprises up your sleeve."

Matt raised an eyebrow. " I try. Now, let's make this easier for both of us. Answer a few questions, and you get what you want."

Katherine sighed, realizing the predicament she was in. "Fine, shoot. But make it quick."

Matt nodded, his curiosity pushing him to delve deeper. "Alright, Katherine. Let's start with the basics. Why am I part of this ritual?"

Choosing her words carefully, Katherine explained, "Your role, Matt, is crucial to balancing the ritual. While the vampire and werewolf represent Klaus's hybrid nature, the doppelganger binds the spell. And you, as the incubus, are the final ingredient."

Matt's gaze narrowed as he absorbed the information. "Augustus mentioned something similar, but I want to hear it from you. What makes my blood so essential?"

Katherine leaned in. "Your bloodline, it's simple. All I know is Klaus was looking for one of your kind by the time he had me; I overheard I had to die to do the ritual, so I fled and never looked back."

Katherine spoke with deliberate caution, "Matt, your participation is pivotal for the ritual's equilibrium. The vampire and werewolf embody Klaus's dual nature, but the doppelganger anchors the magic. Your contribution as the incubus completes the ceremony and ensures things go smoothly. "

Matt posed a few questions to Katherine, but before he handed her the blood bags and clothes, he asked, "Give me the moonstone."

Adopting an air of defiance, Katherine replied, "Why would I give it to you? It's my last bargaining chip against Klaus."

As Matt crossed the threshold into the tomb with Katherine, she moved to attack him. Using his magic, he sent her flying against the wall. " I don't care, Kathrine; what you and Klaus have going on isn't my problem, so we can either do this the easy or hard way up to"

Katherine looked at Matt and laughed in his face. " I survived being hunted for 500 years. What can you do to me?" He looked at her with a blank look and walked closer to her and thrust his hand into her chest, grasping her heart. She yelled in pain, which Matt enjoyed, " This is what I'll do, Kitty Kat, so I either walk out of here with the moonstone or your heart, And I'd rather not kill you, so choose wisely." Kathrine tried to fight back, but after a few squeezes, she grabbed the moonstone from the inner lining of her dress, handing it over to him.

Matt withdrew his hand from her chest, now stained with blood, and remarked, "See, that wasn't so difficult. See you later." He then gripped Katherine's hair and knocked her unconscious by hitting her head against the wall, adding, "See you later, Kitty Kat." 


In the pilot episode, when we first meet Damon Salvatore, he gets hit by a car to lure the people inside out for him to feed on. Afterwards, their pictures are shown on a TV. What are their ages? 

- Caroline is in the hot seat, And Matt is mad at her. She should know where her loyalty lies by now. And Kathrine isn't fairing well either. He meant business!!!!!

Also, who should I pair Stephanie with? I was thinking Jeremy; both would be so cute together. I already got them talking together in later chapters.