Keeping Up Appearances

After spending most of the evening working, Gio had left a still sleeping Elle and made his way to the club. In times of crisis, keeping up appearances was a must. A concept proven right when he was cornered by one of the dancers moments after coming in.

"Is Lady E doing alright boss?" It was Cherry Top, otherwise known as Celeste Moreno, who asked. The bubble she was making with her bright pink bubble gum and her bright red artificial hair hurting his eyes. Gio had actually never seen her without a wig and copious amounts of makeup. He hoped one day she would give his eyes a break and just show up without all the extra stuff. Just looking at her felt like looking at a moving rainbow that had swallowed a torch . And that was before he even got to her glittery sliver dress, complete with thigh high boots.

Her blinding attire almost made him forget what she had asked, but he rallied quickly.

Only the members of the Romano family, and Elle, knew exactly what had gone on. Or that anything had gone on at all. As far as the rest of the other employees were concerned, Elle was just taking a bit of time to unwind an get herself more centred.

"She is fine Celeste, she just said she needed some down time," The woman looked like she had more to say. Like she suspected something. And to be fair the whole thing was fishy. Elle was not one to take days off, everyone knew that. It looked like Celeste wanted to ask more questions but Gio was done with the conversation. The longer the conversation persisted, the more of a chance of Gio slipping up and saying something he should not, so he moved to cut things short before the woman got too comfortable.

"I am sure she will appreciate your concern, but I have work to do, so if you will excuse me," Other than Elle, Celeste was the one of the dancers at the club that Gio genuinely liked. She was quiet, and when she spoke she got straight to the point. But she also knew when her presence was wanted and when it was not. He turned back to his laptop, pretending like he was highly engrossed in the club's orders for the coming week. 

Celeste lingered for a while longer, but Gio kept working and sure enough the woman realized that she would not be getting anything more from him. She left without saying a word, and it was only after the door closed behind her that Gio let the façade drop.

To be honest, Elle was not fine. She was scared, which was a perfectly reasonable response. She was holding herself together though, admirably too. If Gio had not been sharing a bed with her he would not have known that her trauma was manifesting as nightmares. And he was worried the longer the situation dragged on without him knowing who the enemy was and what they wanted. She would not be fine in just the emotional sense, but the physical one as well. It stressed him out, thinking of her hurt in anyway. 

He knew for a fact that if the things she saw in her dreams. The things that had her legs kicking as her dream self ran, the things that made her cry in her sleep ever came true. If so much as a strand of hair on her head was harmed, he would never know a good night's rest. The nightmares would consume him until he burned the world down to get to those who had hurt her.

A better man would have already ended things with her. Put her well being above his own feelings. Sent her somewhere where she could start over, and be safe, not having to worry about a threat to her life. But Gio was not a good man, let alone a better one. He could not even dare to stomach the thought of never seeing her again. Of having her far from him. Elle was his, and though he doubted she returned his feelings, their chemistry was explosive. When they came together it was like fireworks went off each time. He had never had that before, with anyone. If he could not have her feelings, he at least had her body. He had long made peace with the fact that between the two of them, he was the only one emotionally invested. But whether she returned his feelings or not. No one would be taking that from him.

He would cut them down and salt the earth with their ashes before he ever let them anywhere near her.

On that note, he decided it was time to go home.

He found her in the kitchen. Standing on her tiptoes, rifling through the cupboards. She was clearly looking for something. The polite thing would have been to announce his presence and ask what she was trying to find so that he could help her look or get it down for her(although, if it was food she was looking for at most he probably had a stale packet of crackers somewhere). But Gio had just come upon a lovely view, and he was not about to give it up by doing something as foolish as announcing his presence. Unaware that she had company, Elle continued as she was, still searching the cupboards. The shirt that she was wearing, one of Gio's shirts, had ridden up, exposing the soft curve of her butt, delicately framed in her underwear.

After watching for a long while and getting his fill without her ever noticing he was there, Gio finally moved towards her silently. She squeaked as he came up behind her, hands on her waist, his groin against her behind, letting her feel his arousal.

"Good morning, cara mia," He bit lightly at her ear lobe, loving the way she squeaked again and shivered slightly.

"Gio," She breathed, reaching between her legs and then bringing the hand up. Touching the hands around her waist with slick covered fingers.

He ended up taking her on the kitchen island. Thrusting into her until she was reduced to breathy little moans and sighs. She came shouting his name, her legs locked tight around his waist. He followed her over the edge, and as he lay sprawled on top of her, he made himself a promise.

Whatever it took, he would protect her. Always. Even if that meant he had to lay down his own life to make sure she lived to see another day, then so be it. If there was anyone worthy of a sacrifice of that magnitude, it was her.