Ring True?

Elle had not really put much thought into how she was going to break the news of the engagement to the others. Instead what she had been worried about was how the others would reacr once the news was out there. Sure, her and Gio's situation-ship was pretty much old news to all of them. But an engagement was a big deal, the next level in serious relationships kind of big. Would they think she was only sleeping with the boss to get ahead? Would they be jealous? Would they be angry that she had been insisting for years that it was nothing serious only to show up after being away for days with a ring on her finger? As it turned out, she need not have worried.

"Ahhh!" The scream came as soon as Elle walked into the club. Pearl, otherwise known as Phoenix, jumped off the stage, her practice routine completely forgotten.

For a petite woman in ten inch heels, she was very fast. 

"Is that an engagement ring…ooh…Let me see! Let me see!" Elle held out her hand and Pearl squealed, her afro bouncing softly as she leaned down to get a better look.

She held Elle's hand in between her own, turning it this way and that. The dark skinned woman smiled, the purple and gold glitter around her eyes seeming to glow.

"Congratulations! I am so happy for you," Pearl's loud voice drew the attention of the others. 

Desire, her real name Daria, was the first to reach them, her eyes widening when she caught sight of the ring. Next thing Elle knew she was being crushed against Daria's chest, the other woman crying.

When she pulled back, her mascara was runny. Black streaks going down her smooth cheeks.

"Daria, don't leak all over the poor woman," Pearl admonished. The use of her real name had Daria glaring at her friend.

"I'm sorry, Pearl, not all of us can squeal as loud as you" She smirked teasingly, flipping her dark straight her over her shoulder and Pearl huffed.

"I did not squeal, I was just-" The two women moved away, still arguing, making room for the others. There was a stinging slap on her back and Elle turned to find Cherry Top, another dancer, her real name Celeste, smiling at her. Her eyes crinkling.

"About time, I thought we would all be old and wrinkly before the two of you got yourselves together," She twirled her lollipop, eyes sliding over the ring before looking back up.

"His grandma's ring too. He must really like you," With that the other woman left and Elle received more well wishes from the other dancers and the bouncers. 

It was overwhelming just how many more 'about time' comments she got. She had known people knew about the two of them. But it was amazing to realize how many of them had misjudged her relationship with Gio. They all seemed to think it was a love match. 

Elle had been worried people would suspect the reason behind their sudden engagement. But it seemed, to outsiders it had been long enough. 

No one bothered Gio though, as the boss he was safe from the overly enthusiastic hugs, kisses and slaps on the back. Getting ready for opening, Elle caught sight of him from time to time. Looking cool and untouchable as he moved around. Handling this and that for the club.

Club M might have just been a way to clean the Romano money. But Gio took good care of it. It was not nasty and run down like some places. In fact club M had a good reputation out on the streets. The dancers were taken care of, they were not being pimped out. All drugs sold there were from Romano dealers. People who knew how to evade police, and who sold top quality stuff, nothing contaminated.

"A dead customer means you lose a possible long term client," Gio had said once when she'd asked. And she had to admit, it was a good business model.

Happy client, good business. Happy worker, even better business.

By the time, Pearl and Daria's turn on the stage was winding down, and Elle was waiting to go on. She was thinking of that. Would he apply the same thing to marriage…happy wife, happy life…she really hoped so.

"Introducing on stage. The one, the only, the queen of the night, LLLLLady E!"

She had walked onto the stage a thousand before. But each time always felt a bit like the first. Her stomach twisting up in knots, the feeling vanished the moment her hand touched the pole.

Looking over the crowd, she caught sight of Gio in the VIP section (where he always was when she performed), and the last of her nerves fell away.

She gripped the pole and got work. In the background music played, the DJ hyping the crowd, cheering her on as he dropped the beats. Elle moved, clinging to the pole like it was an additional limb. She lifted her entire body with just her arms, her core flexing. Her legs spread out then back together as her heels touched the stage. She matched her moves to the beat of the music, the crowd beneath her going wild as she snaked up and down the pole, twirling. Her set almost over, she smiled down at the cheering crowd as they rained money down on her. 

The music stopped and Elle made it off the stage. Blowing kisses to the clients as she did. The smile gradually faded off her face as she arrived backstage, the high of the performance releasing her. Unlike all the other times, the first thing she did was not to drink water. Instead she opened her locker and pulled out her ring. Feeling calmer the moment it settled on her finger.

Maybe Gio would have time for her after closing. Or maybe he would not, but having the ring on made her feel like he was nearby. Curling her hand into a fist, Elle smiled. Moments later her phone beeped, lighting up as a new message arrived.

Wait for me.