Peeping Janes and Toms

****People traumarised by catching Gio and Elle in the act****

Club M sold sex, without actually selling sex. So it was not out of place to find people in various states of undress. But what was out of place, was when the person who was barely dressed was the boss, Gio Romano, at least at first. For the employees who had been there before Elle, they had been shocked.

In all his years of running the club, Gio had never once mixed business with pleasure. Which was why Elle was an anomaly, and even stranger, was when the anomaly became a mainstay.

Gio and Elle together became so common, that the employees adhered to a very strict knocking policy before entering the boss's office and after work they cleared out as quickly as possible, and those who could not stayed as far away from wherever Elle and Gio were as they could.

It was a system that had come from being traumatized by the couple one two many times. So during their wedding, when Celeste asked 

"Show of hands, how many of you have walked in on Elle and Gio doing the nasty?" She triggered many people.


There was a problem with the week's shipment of vodka. The supplier was trying to rip them off. Big L knew the boss would instruct him to beat them up anyways, but just to be sure. He was going to inform the boss first and then go smack the pompous grin of their beady eyed supplier's face. With that in mind, Big L made his way to the boss's office. His hand was on the doorknob when he suddenly froze, there was noise coming from inside the office. 

There was clearly a struggle going on. Big L could hear moans and grunts, and the unmistakable sound of a body being pushed against solid objects. Reaching for his gun, Big L opened the door as slowly and as silently as possible, ready to take the shot and end the person attacking his boss.

He opened the door enough for his head to fit though and looked inside cautiously. Movement in the far corner caught his attention and he turned… and froze again.

The boss had one of the dancers, Elle, up against the wall, their lips locked together. His hand on her thigh, steadily moving up. When the hand disappeared beneath her skirt, Big L came back to himself and shut the door.

In the future, he would be sure to hand out beat downs before reporting to the boss, the man was clearly busy. 


Of all things, there was nothing that bothered Benji more than when people used the private dance room for sex. Did they not have motels they could go to? Just how cheap were they? And the couple he could currently hear going at it was in the club well past closing time. Benji would make sure that they were banned for life. Still fuming, he opened the door, and stopped. There was his boss, Elle on top of him, doing a slow strip tease, the two of them with eyes only for each other.

Benji shut the door the moment Elle's lower back was exposed. He walked away at a brisk pace. The boss owned the club, and most of the city if Benji was being honest, if the man and his lady wanted an after hours party, then they could have an after hours party.


After hours dancing on stage and working the crowd, Daria wanted nothing more than to be in her own bed fast asleep. But that was not to be, instead, she was currently on all fours behind the bar, helping Pearl look for an earring she was not even sure was actually there.

"Pearl, are you sure the last place you saw it was here, I am getting sick and tired of-" There was a squeal from the other side of the counter. Pearl, who was also on her hands and knees next to her stopped moving.

Another squeal followed, this time Daria recognized the voice as that of Elle.

Why was she squ-

"Gio! Gio! Gio…" Oh. Daria shared a look with Pearl and they came to a silent understanding. They began crawling away as fast as they could, by the time Gio started calling out Elle's name they were well out of seeing range and were able to ger on their feet and start running.

"Forget the earring, I can always buy a new pair," Still running, Daria turned her head and glares at her friend.

"After all this, you had better buy me something too, my ears might never recover,"


People talked… people talked a lot. So Celeste knew to be wary of Club M after closing hours. Apparently Elle and Gio were quite adventurous. 

So far she had made sure that she always left on time and did not look back. But this time, she had no choice, she had forgotten her phone in her locker. She would be in and out, as quick as can be. Surely she would not be unlucky enough to run into the resident frisky couple…

…Celeste ran right into the resident frisky couple, and they were right in front of her locker too.

All she got was a glimpse of Elle's uncovered breasts and she was out. She did not need emotional scarring, in fact, she did not need her phone all that much. She could deal with a few missed calls and missed business opportunities.

What she could not deal with was the trauma that would come from heading back in there and grabbing her phone, so Celeste stuck to her guns and went home without her phone.

One day, she swore, one day she would find a way to bring this up in front of people and make Elle blush as hard as Celeste was currently blushing… one day.