Good Advice

Sofia was old, something she would never admit to even under the pain of torture. But it was a fact clear for all to see. Not only that, having more years behind her than ahead of her, Sofia had come to accept a fundamental truth about herself. 

She was not a woman who loved conflict. 

In fact she often went out of her way to make sure that there was no conflict between her and others( Carlo did not count, brothers were meant to be argued with).

Some people called her none confrontational a weakness. But Sofia did not see it like that. Not liking conflict did not mean that she was weak or a coward. Quite the opposite actually. Sofia was one of those people who was adept at seeing a conflict coming. If there was a way to resolve it before it blew up in everyone's faces and ruined things, she was also the one to figure it out and do her best to implement it before things got out of hand.