To The Vet We Go


It flowed through Celeste's veins. She felt it with every breath she took and it thundered in time with her heart beat.

It was the rage that pushed her forward. Anger and bitterness keeping her going even as she began to feel lightheaded, dark spots dancing at the edge of her narrowing vision.

Beneath the rage, there was fear, and there was pain, so much pain. She was pretty certain Gio had not nicked anything important, but it still hurt like nobody's business. The wound was bleeding freely too, and were it not for the balled up coat she had placed over it, the blood the material was soaking up would have dripped onto the ground and led her pursuers right to her.

Anyone else would have long given up and just collapsed on the dirty streets. But Celeste was made of tougher stuff, and not only that…she had her rage. So she pushed and pushed, until finally, her fading sight saw something that meant the end of her torment.