Death, Either Way

Gio had managed to catch Celeste off guard. And in one fell swoop he had taken down the majority of her people. The biggest win of the night had been Maria taking out Celeste's consigliere.

"He had time to get away, but he just stood there. He did not even take a shot at me when I fired," Maria had told him later, and Gio, who had watched from a distance had to agree.

He had fought Mark before, and the man had been fast and vicious. But in their last confrontation he had not brought his A game. In fact, he had seemed almost like a man ready for it all to be over.

Could it be? Had Celeste's consigliere allowed himself to be killed because he had no longer believed in the Red Don's cause? 

Shaking his head, Gio pushed the thought back. It was not important at the moment. Mark was dead, he was not a threat anymore.

The person who was a threat was still at large.