Academy Life Begins with Personality Excretion (Part 2)

"Are you interested in firearms? Have you ever handled one before?"

Of course, I have. I still remember my K2 serial number. For someone like me, who has handled cold weapons like daggers, spears, swords, and knuckles, it was only natural to take an interest in firearms.

"Indeed, guns are better than swords."

Yuuna seemed slightly offended as she spoke.

"Hmmph. A gun is useless if it malfunctions during a fight, right?"

"Do you dislike guns?"

"Ahem. In the hunter industry, they're considered one of the weapons that don't really count as 'pure skill'. I'm not one to discriminate, but there's a tendency to look down on even high-ranked people if they use guns. It's good to know."

"Then why the hostility?"

Could it be that she's pouting because I'm not showing interest in the same weapons as her?

Yuuna pouted her lips and muttered.

"I prefer swords…"

…She's cute.

"I'll take this one."

I picked up a Glock-19.

'Is this the compact version?'

It seemed a bit smaller than the Glock-19 I had fired at a gun shop, but the full grip was no problem. Looking at the magazine, I could see it was loaded with 15 rounds of 9mm bullets.

"Senior, how much is this?"

"That? 600 coins."


I quietly put the Glock back down.

"That's too expensive. How about this knuckle?"

"That knuckle is made of a special material. It costs 800 coins."

The knuckles are more expensive than the gun? How can that be…?!

While I was pondering, Yuuna slid next to me.

"I'll buy it for you."

"No. It's too expensive."

"But you like the gun. I'll buy it for you. Just pay me back later!"


It hasn't been long since I cleared my debt, and now I'm about to take on another.

But having a gun does seem reassuring.

"Then, I guess I'll need a magazine and ammo belt too...."

"Give me 200 more coins, and I'll sell it as a set. Oh, since your boyfriend is handsome, if you buy it all together, I'll give you a 100-coin discount."


"Oh my. Maybe you should reconsider? 700 coins isn't an amount you give to a friend without meaning~?"

Yuuna presented her student ID with a slightly stiff expression.

"Please, go ahead with the payment."

"Maybe you should give it up? Yuuna."

"No! No.... It's okay…."

Even as a pro hunter, it doesn't seem right to spend that amount for a classmate. Should I refuse?

Yuuna looked back at me, worried, and forced a smile.

"When I started as a hunter, I was overwhelmed too. I had nothing and no one to help me."


"That's when I decided. If I ever got into a position to help someone, I would make sure to do it."

So she's making such a big gift to me, who doesn't even have a weapon…

"You're going to make a lot of money as a hunter, right?"

"Of course."

I sneaked up to the senior who was in the middle of the transaction.

"Senior, wait. Please, knock down the price a bit more."

"What? No way."

"Is my face discount only worth 100 coins? Please, take a closer look."


It might work since it's a female senior.

I just went up and looked at her earnestly, and her face gradually turned red.

"Ah, okay. Fine. But stop pushing your face in."

Hehe, they say just looking at the face of a genius gets you a discount.

"200 coins…?"

"How about 50 more coins for a photo together?"

"….Ah, a, a photo? Then…."

"If we link arms, 30 more coins."

"Oh, um…!?"

"I'll smile like this, so please add 50 more coins~."

"….Gasp…. Uh, okay…."

I managed to haggle the full package down to 400 coins while they were off guard. After taking a few selfies with the female senior, I came back.

"I tried a little. How was it?"

"….It worked."

The female senior was showing off the photos she took with me to her colleagues.

"If it were the male seniors, it could have been possible with Yuuna too?"

"I, I can't do it! Even imagining it is embarrassing."

I said it knowing it was pointless. Being modest is best for women.

"Kim Sang-hyuk. Do you have someone you like?"


"I mean, you're so handsome, do you have a girlfriend~?"


"If you set your mind to it, you could date anyone, right?"

They probably think that way because I look like I could date anyone….

"I don't really want to date just anyone. Only if I really like them."

"That's right. It should be someone you really like…."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, no! I've never had one!"

Would Yuuna date me if I asked her out? As I stared into her eyes, the atmosphere somehow became moist and throbbing.

"Do you, um, like it?"

"Yeah. I think it goes well with Personality Excretion."

"….How can your main skill name be Personality Excretion."

Sadly, the moment the term 'Personality Excretion' came up, the atmosphere completely disappeared. Is this the curse of the adult game?

"Hena is waiting, let's go back."


"Thanks for buying the weapon."

"Work hard and pay it back! It's not a freebie."

I put the Glock in the holster I bought together. There are five spare magazines. I decided to put the remaining bullets in the inventory and replenish them as needed.

'Now that I've bought it, I'm kind of tempted to get something like a compensator1.'

I didn't have the audacity to ask for that either. I think I'll try to upgrade as I pay off my debt.

'I need to work hard. Academy life.'

We returned to Hena, who was anxiously waiting. Seeing her surrounded by male students, I quickened my pace.

"Your name is Hena, right? Come with us."

"If you join our squad, we'll give you more coin distribution. Double. How about it?"

"How about a duo with me? I promise I won't do anything weird…."

"I-I don't want to…."

I took my eyes off her for a moment and this happened….



Hena's expression brightened like a puppy hearing its owner's call, and she ran towards me. Then she stuck to my side and held my hand tightly.

"I, …I'm partying with Sang-hyuk…. I'm sorry…."

"…A D-Rank…."

Why are you mumbling? If you admit defeat, leave quickly. Shoo. I always feel the enormous advantage of being a tall and well-built man. Just like they say not to work out if you're handsome, if my rank goes up, honestly, the deprivation of other males would be no joke….

Isn't this a walking harem generator?

"Did you properly say 'No. You. Can't.'?"

"Yeah…! But they kept insisting, it was difficult…"

Yuuna is looking at our conversation in astonishment.

"Is Hena a child?"

"Hena is a baby."

"You can't keep indulging her like this. Hena. Not 'No. You. Can't.' but 'Stop bothering me and get lost.' Try repeating that."


Would such input work on a baby?

While I was at the armory, half of the F-class students seemed to have already entered the dungeon.

"Form teams of three with the remaining students. If you're going to match solo or duo, tell the teacher in advance."

'Three in one team. A squad?'

I alternated glances between Yuuna and Hena.

"We're a team, right?"

"I was originally solo, but I'll go with you. I'm worried with just the two of you."

Hena, well, just looking at her fussing, she seems to want to go with me.

"Oh my. Yuuna. Going as a squad? Who's the leader?"

"It's me. Teacher. Please introduce us to the most delicious dungeon."

"There's a C-Rank dungeon left for squads. Go to B-3."

It seems that if three people go, they can go to a fairly high-level dungeon.

The point designated as B-3 is one area divided like a chessboard in the indoor training ground,

Each of these squares had a dungeon created by a gravitational anomaly induction device, and it looked like the white gravity wave I had seen before.

They all looked similar,

The C-Rank dungeon was slightly different starting from the gravitational anomaly. It felt a bit more fluctuating. It's hard to explain exactly…

[「Penetration (Crimson)」activated]

[C-Rank dungeon]

[#9319. Monsters of the Lake]

[Rarity C-][Reward C-][Anomaly D]

[Maximum participation limit – 3 people (squad)]

Hmm. Now that I see it, it's clear.

'Penetration (Crimson)' is a very useful skill.

"Since we're three, we should be able to handle most situations. Let's go!"

Just then,

Diheerite, who popped out of nowhere, pushed Yuuna aside and occupied the entrance to the dungeon.


"...Ugh! What the hell!"

"Sorry. This is the dungeon we've reserved."

"What? There was no one here, what do you mean you reserved it."

"We just happened to all need the bathroom urgently. Now, can you move aside? We're going to take this C-Rank dungeon."

Diheerite was also a 'squad'.

There's a girl who's smirking annoyingly on either side, and a boy with short hair.

"Don't cut in line. You know it's really childish to fight like this, right?"

"Fight? Me? Even if you add up the scores of you three, you can't beat me."

When did he check our scores?

"Rather, even if I'm late, shouldn't you guys make way so you don't hold back an A-Rank honor student like me?"

"What kind of logic is that?"

Hena clung to my hand tightly as if she was scared.

Our leader doesn't seem to want to back down. Honestly, wouldn't it be a loss for both sides if we start a fight here?

Diheerite Ade.

He's hated me from day one. His gang doesn't seem to like me either.

Because I'm an Onahole Collector?

It's a thorn in their side that I, who should have been kicked out of this academy long ago, am still here.

Ade's cold gaze seemed to say so.

"Hey, D. What's that gun? There's no way a D-Rank can afford that, aha. Our pro hunter must have emptied her wallet to buy it for you in her absence?"

"...What are you trying to say."

"It's fun to play king among the weak. It suits the weak to lick each other like that."

"Don't insult my friends."

Yuuna placed her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Friends? You can only call someone a friend when you're equals. For your information, my score is 2,500 points. Atali has 1,700 points, and Wilhelm has 2,000 points. How about that? You need to be at this level to be called a 'friend' for the first time."

"Isn't it just pitiful to see someone who even grades their friendship?"

"Yuuna Nakamori. They say if you hang out with D-Rank, you start to think like a D-Rank, and it's really true. How about you stick to your level and run through 3D dungeons?"

"You, you little…!"

I wanted to tell her not to bother with every single one, but it seemed too late.

Instead of dealing with Diheerite, I activated 'Penetration (Crimson)' and quickly scanned the surroundings.

My mythical-level skill, 'Penetration (Crimson)', allows me to determine the rank of a dungeon just by glancing at the gravitational anomaly.

I felt there might be a hidden, good dungeon around.

[C(B)-Rank Dungeon]

[#7119. Golden Orc Fortress]

[Rarity C][Reward B+][Anomaly B]

[A demon merchant appears in this dungeon]

[This dungeon has an anomaly level above the standard, and its rank may increase under certain conditions]

[Reward Weighting +3]

[Maximum number of participants limited to 3 (squad)]

'Found it.'

An unentered honey-sweet dungeon.

There was no longer any reason to give importance to the dungeon Diheerite was obsessing over.

"Now I really won't hold back! I declare a duel…"


I stepped in between Yuuna and Diheerite.

Yuuna was flustered, and Diheerite glared at me even more fiercely.

"What do you want? D-Rank."

"Calm down, Yuuna. They were all in a rush to use the bathroom, remember?"

"That ridiculous excuse…"

"Diheerite. You guys take that dungeon."

No, rather, I wish they would quickly disappear into that dungeon.

Let us have a taste of the honey for ourselves.

"D-Rank sure are quick to understand their place. Is it because those who've crawled on the floor are better at crawling?"

"Actually, I was a bit scared, but now that you're taking it, it's really a relief, isn't it?"

"...Hahahah! Scared of a C-Rank dungeon? Yuuna. What were you even trying to do with such a coward?"


"We'll do something else, yeah. We'll just head to a 3D dungeon. Good luck, Diheerite."

"Shut up. I don't need your encouragement. Just check the rankings later to see how much we've earned."

Diheerite and his gang laugh as they disappear into the dungeon.

The left-behind Yuuna is so agitated that her face turns red.

"He insulted you and even your friend Hena! Does it make sense to let them go without a duel? Kim Sang-hyuk. Is that all you are?"

"Calm down. We came here to make money, didn't we?"

"But now we've been chased away from the dungeon we were going to. What are we going to do now…?"

"There are two options. We either go around a 3D dungeon with a loser's mindset."

Yuuna's eyes sharpen even more.

She seemed ready to turn her back and leave, her emotions clearly on display.

"I hope you'll like the second option better than the first."

"Second. We go to a near B-Rank dungeon that even Diheerite didn't know about."


I explained to the two of them about my appraisal skill.

That I could briefly grasp the information of a dungeon before entering.

That I had already spotted another good dungeon while Yuuna was arguing with Diheerite.

Upon realizing this, Yuuna's anger subsided.

"You should have said something…"

"It's better I didn't. If you got angry and fumed, Diheerite would have entered the C-Rank dungeon with even more satisfaction, wouldn't he?"

"I wasn't fuming!"

"Let's go. We'll deal with those obsessed with rank by rank later."

"But it's amazing… I didn't know there was such a skill."

"Me neither… Sang-hyuk, you're amazing…"

Hena and Yuuna express their awe in unison at my appraisal skill.

It must be a rare skill in the hunter industry.

After all, it's a 'mythical-level' skill bestowed by the Goddess of Adult Games, the ruler of this 'Onaaka' world.

In terms of value, it's on par with' Lucky Pervert', which manipulates reality,

and 'Personality Excretion', which forces one to discard their persona.

It was no trouble at all to gain an upper hand in the minor information wars within the academy.

"The problem is, this dungeon's rank increases to B-Rank after meeting certain conditions upon entry. If Yuuna can't handle it, we have no choice but to withdraw."

The clearing of this dungeon entirely depends on Yuuna's skill.

I made that fact clear.

"Are you okay, Yuuna?"

However, perhaps due to the influence of Diheerite, Yuuna was burning with enthusiasm.

"You say that? This is a place I can even handle with an empty stomach! Just follow me!"

"Alright, let's go in~!"

"Y-yeah, let's go together, Sang-hyuk."

[Participating in the Dungeon]

[Participants – Yuuna Nakamori, Kim Sang-hyuk, Hena Isis]

The exploration had begun.

(End of Chapter 19)

A device on a gun that utilizes escaping exhaust pressure to redirect the barrel of the gun to compensate for muzzle jump or recoil effect.

[Entering the Golden Orc Fortress]

[Golden Rule 1: The tribute coins obtained from hunting 'minions of the Golden Realm' are tripled]

[Golden Rule 2: The tribute coins from 'minions of the Golden Realm' equivalent to bosses are increased by twentyfold]

"Kya! What do we do!"

As soon as we dived in, Yuuna's joyful scream could be heard.

"This is the 'Golden' realm that's said to earn the most! The competition is really fierce. I can't believe such a honey dungeon has appeared at the academy!"

"Aren't you happy even though we haven't cleared it yet?"

"Clear? Of course we have to! Now, everyone check your belongings and equipment, and let's proceed."

Everything looks fine except for the smartphone.

"Are you okay, Hena?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just hanging around like this."

Hena was holding my hand tightly.

Her small, white, and soft hand was in stark contrast to the strong, veiny man's hand.

Just holding hands made me feel like I might get an erection, as if to prove my body's youthful vigor.

'Don't get carried away…'

I'm not on a backpacking trip with two pretty schoolgirls.

Although my body was already excited as if it was, this place is a dungeon lurking with dangerous monsters.

We have to keep our wits about us, or it could get dangerous.

We had only touched a gravitational anomaly that distorts space, but we were no longer at the academy; we were in a completely different world.

To put it plainly, a ruin buried under a desert.

'It was a forest last time.'

The map is different this time.

There are dark passages wide enough for about three people to pass through on both sides, and from the wide-open ceiling, sunlight and fine sand are pouring down like a waterfall.

Yuuna looked back at us while stretching.

"Kim Sang-hyuk. Have you ever shown your skills to Hena? Wouldn't it be better to tell her in advance so she's not surprised?"

She seemed to be worried because of her own surprising experience.

It was a very valid point.

"But how do I explain this?"

"…Uhm, so…"

My attack induces the enemy's personality excretion?

Maybe it's better not to say anything…

I still don't know everything about the 'Personality Excretion'. What I do know is that it aligns with the tastes of En the Goddess of Adult Games.

It boasts outstanding compatibility with the talent of the protagonist of 'Onaaka', a collector of onaholes.

Personally, I think it's a finishing skill because of its characteristic of ignoring the enemy's defense.

"Hena, behind you!"

Yuuna drew her sword. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to show her skills had just appeared.


A green monster, much larger than a goblin, raised its arms towards Hena.

"I'll handle it!"

I immediately pulled out my Glock and aimed.

"Hena, cover your ears!"


The bullet cleanly hit the orc's head. However, it was tougher than I thought and wasn't completely stopped.

'It's okay.'

I can use it slowly after giving the shock.

'Personality Excretion.'

Maybe it withstood the headshot, but can it withstand an excretion shot?


I was confident of victory. The orc that had tried to ambush Hena began to stagger, clutching its belly.

"It doesn't look like we need to hit it anymore."

Yuuna remarked, judging that it was over with just one shot.

'Personality Excretion' boasts exceptional power. Soon, the orc's ragged pants started to bulge, and gray personality jelly burst out.

"Ugh! That's disgusting…"

Yuuna stepped back with a look of disgust.

"What is this?"

"It's like the soul of the orc."

It's easier to understand if you think of it as a concept similar to a soul. Since neither character nor soul actually excretes as 'something with substance' from the body, if you materialize such a thing and extract it, Hena would understand.

"Is it dead?"

Hena asked again.

"No. The character jelly is still connected to the main body."

'Penetration (Crimson)' sees even the invisible. The character jelly is still connected to the main body, like a Bluetooth device. So…

If you nudge the mindlessly approaching jelly with your foot.

"Kyi, Kyik."

The main body groans in response. Everything was as expected so far.

"This is strange…"

"It feels like I'm abusing it severely, even though I didn't do much."

I think so too.

It's telling that even hunters who take the lives of monsters would find it uncomfortable.

It might be because Yuuna is kind-hearted, but…

"I'm going to finish it now."

I stepped on the character jelly firmly and quietly chanted.

"Become an onahole."

Using the character jelly as a material, I create an onahole.

Since the onahole becomes the new body of the character, the connection with the main body quickly becomes tenuous.

In other words, the main body becomes like an empty shell.

"This is my skill, Hena."

"The orc has become cute."

Yeah, let's go with that. It's become cute.

It's something that Hena doesn't hate me for.

Even when it comes to onaholes, she reacts like this when she sees something dark and vulgar right before her eyes.

Beyond innocence, it's almost like she's defenseless.

Yuuna has a complicated expression, unsure whether Hena's behavior is an act or not.

Hena wasn't acting…

[You have acquired the 'Firearms Proficiency' skill]

When I turn the personality jelly into an onahole and make the main body into a shell, it seems to count as a death.

There's really no more complete way to neutralize it than this.

"Kkuwok. Kkuwook."


The orcs gathered around, perhaps hearing the sound of gunfire.

"I'll take care of the front alone! Can you handle the back, Kim Sang-hyuk?"

"You saw it, right? These guys can't touch me."

"That's if things keep going well."

Didn't I tell you? I'm Kim Sang-hyuk, the top marksman recognized by the Ministry of National Defense.

In a corridor with no place to dodge, where they're shuffling their huge bodies and making such big targets, they're as good as dead!

"Cover your ears, Hena!"


I felt something was jamming. It was the last thing I expected—a bad round.

'A jam here?'


Just as I was about to engage in a fistfight, Hena stepped forward to protect me.

I was taken aback by that.

I never knew that she, whom I thought I had to protect at all costs, would bravely defend me like this.

I might have been underestimating Hena, knowing that I shouldn't.

"I'll handle this."

Hena blocked the orc's attack with her Wallnut Staff and cast 'Formless Magic Bullet', pushing back the orc, which was larger than her, with a shockwave. Meanwhile, I cleared the jammed round from the chamber and aimed again.

'It's said that guns break easily inside dungeons.'

Don't panic. Getting flustered is more fatal than a jam… I thought, but then—thud!

"Damn it…!"

Two jams in a row, that's just not right!

"It's not a defective product, is it!?"

Yuuna, who had already taken down three orcs, giggled.

"What did I tell you~?"

"It's not just about the 5% chance, that's the thing!"

"Your Craftsmanship stat is still low and your Proficiency skill is at the lowest rank. The failure rate is going to be over 30%. Just so you know, the power is also reduced."

So, I have to deal with all this nonsense about guns in a dungeon?

Anyway, I resolved the misfire again, pulled back the slide, and aimed. By now, Hena had already taken down two orcs.

'Hena had a higher overall assessment than me…'

When it comes down to it, she's my senior in dungeon raids.

The erotic childhood friend who sobs while her breasts are being squeezed, the model student at the academy…!

I discard the foolish thought that firearms will always meet my expectations.

"I'll protect you, Sang-hyuk."

"It's okay. Send me a few more!"

「Yaksha Charge」

I wasn't just aiming from behind; I used the charge skill to charge and knock back the orcs with body slams. Then I fired.

"Personality Excretion Double Tap!"

Bang! Bang!


One orc eliminated.

"Let's do this together, Hena."

"That's the first time you've said that…"

"Did I ever use you as a shield in the past?"

"Uh, yes? Yes…"

Damn it. I can't back down even more now!

"Personality Excretion Soccer Kick!"


I thought it would be enough to fight with just a gun, but I could barely pull my own weight, having to repeatedly clear jams from the unreliable Glock and resorting to hand-to-hand combat.

Hena's magic.

「Formless Magic Bullet」never malfunctioned, was powerful, and was fast.

Even though it was the most basic type of magic, I could tell that it was much more effective than firearms within the dungeon.

'Let's put aside the fact that it malfunctions often.'

The reduced power is a bit painful.

If it hadn't been for the 'Personality Excretion', would it have taken four shots to kill an orc?

'At least it's one-shot, one-kill, which is good.'

Right. It's not all disadvantages. I can take down orcs with the decisiveness of a skilled B-Rank hunter like Yuuna.

A fallen orc will never rise again…


"Become an onahole."

And I recite it with charisma.

Hena, who had been quietly watching me, raised her staff and shouted.

"I want to join in, too."


"Become an onahole! Yah!"


Yuuna, who was fighting from behind, burst into laughter.

"Yeah! Let's do it together!"

Hunting should be fun, right?

"Become an onahole!"

"Become an onahole!"

Hena became the mysterious onahole girl.

[Your level has increased]

[Your level has increased]

[Your 'Firearms Proficiency' level has increased]

Oh, nice.

After easily taking down dozens of orcs like slicing a cake, the silent XP bar exploded.

My growth plate is wide open!

[Your level has increased]

[Your level has increased]

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hena supports me with her 'Formless Magic Bullets'.

"The orcs are starting to look cute, Sang-hyuk!"

"Yeah. Become an onahole!"

"Become an onahole! Hehe. It's like a magic spell."

"Hena! It's not right for a girl to keep saying 'onahole, onahole'!"

Personality jellies also vary slightly in color from one individual to another. To Hena's eyes, the repulsive orcs transformed into colorful toys, so it wasn't strange for her to say they 'became cute'.

'We're starting to overwhelm them with firepower.'

The malfunction rate hasn't decreased, but my hands have gotten faster at dealing with the jams.

Since Hena doesn't have to worry about close combat with the orcs and can just pour out magic bullets, our job has become simpler.

Soon, the last one fell after getting hit by my excretion shot.

[Your 'Firearms Proficiency' level has increased]

[Your level has increased]

[You have acquired the skill 'Onahole Enhancement']

What is this?

['Onahole Enhancement' has been set to onahole!!… Enhances the overall capabilities of an onahole.]

A buff skill? What exactly happens when you enhance an onahole?

Does it improve tightness or durability…

"Why? Sang-hyuk? Did you learn a new skill?"

It wasn't a topic I could discuss with my childhood friend with the big chest who was looking at me with beautiful eyes.

Would Yuuna understand?

"Did you learn something weird again?"

I thought about asking her if it would be okay to treat her as an onahole, but then I decided against it.

"Let's just pick it up for now."

(End of Chapter 20)