
Aideen woke up, her senses jolting to life, only to find herself gripped by an involuntary stillness. Emerging from the heavy envelope of deep slumber, she was immediately besieged by a surge of distressing memories, crashing over her consciousness like an unyielding avalanche.

Recollections flooded back with an unwavering force – she remembered her journey toward the Temple north of the Capital, the ill-fated encounter where bandits ambushed her carriage, ruthlessly killing the royal knights. Two bandits had taken her captive, their intentions being to assault her. And then... an elusive gap lingered in her memory.

'Did I end up fainting? There was another person, I remember it now... But what happened after?'

Aideen recognized her surroundings as she lay in a bed, enveloped by a luxuriously soft and thick blanket that provided a comforting warmth. Carefully, the princess tried to shift her arms and legs, a subtle investigation to ascertain if she was restrained in any manner. To her relief, her body remained free of any physical constraints.

'Strange. If I am still alive, does it not imply that I was abducted by those bandits? Why am I not bound to anything? Could this possibly be the Temple? No, I doubt the royal guards would intervene to rescue me and escort me to the Temple.'

Aideen, now conscious of her own breathing and the rapid beats of her heart, made a deliberate effort to calm herself. She pondered her circumstances, contemplating the peculiar absence of restraints and the implications it held. In this moment of uncertainty, she sought solace in her surroundings, striving to discern subtle clues that might unravel the mystery.

Whenever thrust into an unknown place, Aideen relied on her acute sense of hearing and sense of smell to glean insights into her surroundings. The audible nuances and distinct aromas served as her steadfast companions, the sole aids in her endeavor to grasp the essence of the world beyond the confines of her own body.

The woman inhaled subtly, savoring the crispness of the air, causing her rosy lips to gently curl into a light smile.

'The air is fragrant, reminiscent of freshly laundered linens. The bedspread enveloping me feels clean and fresh; it's been years since I've encountered linen this immaculate.'

With another quiet breath, the smell of the freshly changed sheets persisted, refusing to release its hold on her senses. Undeterred, Aideen resolved to revisit this olfactory revelation later, shifting her focus to her sense of hearing.

'The room itself is quiet, yet beyond its walls, there's an unmistakable and familiar noise. A harsh wind, perhaps? Yes, akin to the haunting whistle of a stormy gale. And is that the sound of snow? Snow?!'

Her astonishment held merit; even the northern lands just outside the Capital, typically known for their colder climate, were not prone to welcoming such severe snowy storms in the midst of autumn. Consequently, Aideen found herself compelled to draw a disconcerting and bewildering conclusion – she was not in the Temple.

The question lingered in her mind: Where was she?

Abruptly, a new sound pierced the air – the heavy creaking of a door, signaling the arrival of another person. Gripped by fear for her uncertain fate, Aideen instinctively immobilized every muscle in her body, bracing herself for whatever imminent events were about to unfold. The weight of anticipation hung in the air as she awaited the unknown.

"Still asleep? Goodness, how tired she must have been! Poor child."

A low whisper, belonging to a woman, reached the princess's ears, causing her body to relax slightly. The seemingly concerned words suggested that, perhaps, this woman did not intend to harm her.

The woman, indeed known for her non-threatening demeanor, was short and plump, clad in a dark brown dress crafted from thick, rough fabric. A long white apron adorned her, tied around her waist in a careful bow.

Her face was round and ruddy, with a flawless beige complexion. Large, green eyes were carefully accentuated by a black frame of thick lashes, nestled beneath two perfectly arched eyebrows.

She was still rather young, and though her chubbiness added a few years to her demeanor, it only served to make her appear more friendly and endearing.

With deliberate care, the plump woman set a large silver tray on the wooden bedside table. Wiping her pinkish hands on her pristine apron, she settled onto the bed beside Aideen, gently placing her right palm against the princess's pale forehead.

Startled, Aideen's face flinched, causing the maid to retract a little and hastily withdraw her hand. Placing it against her mouth, she gasped, 

"Goodness, you startled me! Are you feeling alright, Your Highness?"

The princess, clearly more frightened than the woman beside her, finally opened her eyes and asked, 

"Who are you? What is this place?"

"My, so eager for answers the moment she opens her eyes!"

The maid assisted Aideen into assuming a sitting position on the bed, observing as the princess instinctively tucked herself back inside the warm blanket, as if seeking protection from potential harm.

'Heavens, look at that! Hiding herself like a frightened little animal. No wonder... After everything her body has shown me...'

The plump woman released a long, somewhat sorrowful exhale, then cautiously rose to her feet. This gesture conveyed to Aideen that she had no ill intentions, seeking to reassure the apprehensive princess.

"Your Highness, please, do not be afraid. My name is Bella, and I've been assigned as your personal maid. I've brought you some hot milk and soft bread to eat. The doctor advised that you need plenty of rest and consume gentle food for your stomach."

"The doctor?"

Aideen arched her eyebrows in disbelief. Even during her time in the Royal Palace, when she would occasionally fall incredibly ill, no one ever bothered to call for a doctor. Count Crueder, whose sole source of enjoyment was tormenting a woman's body, would never summon even a mere nurse to attend to Aideen, regardless of the state of her well-being, even if her life was in real danger. 

The maid nodded and confirmed,

"Yes, dear, a doctor. You are quite weak and malnourished, so His Grace ordered us to let you rest and take good care of you until you feel healthy and strong again."

No matter how much the strange woman talked, Aideen could not help but feel perplexed with every uttered word that reached her ears.

Finally, she widened her eyes, leaned closer to where the maid was standing, and exclaimed,

"His Grace? Who is it?!"

Bella's already big eyes widened further, and she clasped her hands in front of her blushing face as she replied with the same sense of bewilderment,

"Well, who else, my dear? Duke Tillian Valentine, of course!"