No Limits

Tillian moved silently through Aideen's bedroom, his steps as light as feathers, allowing him to navigate like a skilled predator. Years of training and hunting various wild creatures had honed his ability to move almost soundlessly, a surprising skill for someone of his massive build. Little did he know that this skill would prove just as useful outside the battlefield or hunting grounds.

Carefully, he placed the sleeping princess on her plush bed, covering her with a thick, warm blanket. He then tucked her in to ensure her comfort. 

With a gentle, almost hesitant motion of his large hand, the duke brushed away a few stray strands of Aideen's soft, wavy hair from her forehead. After ensuring her peace, he quietly exited the room, leaving behind only the soft crackling of the fireplace.

As Tillian made his way back to his study, Stanis awaited him by his large wooden desk, resembling a loyal guardian hound. Despite his mature tanned face maintaining stoicism, an occasional twitch of the long, thick scar on his right cheek betrayed an irrepressible desire to smile.

Disregarding his assistant's subtle expressions, Tillian sank heavily into his chair, the impact resonating through its back as he leaned back and stretched his tired legs beneath the desk. Stanis, though still silent, fixed his deep brown eyes on Tillian, and after a brief pause, the duke finally gave up,

"Is there something you wish to say, Sir Stanis?"

Fighting another urge to smile, Stanis masked his awkwardness with a nonchalant shrug of his broad shoulders. He then cleared his throat and inquired in a rather cold tone,

"When are you going to talk to her? Don't you think it's a bit cruel to bring that poor woman here and keep her locked in her room like a prisoner without even telling her why she was brought to this castle in the first place?"

As if expecting this question, Tillian brushed his blonde hair away from his eyes and emitted an irritated sigh before shifting the conversation in a slightly different direction,

"Speaking of prisoners… The mage has been notably quiet these past two days. Has something changed?"

Sir Stanis ran his long fingers through the short spikes of his brown hair, taking a few seconds to mull over the answer, and said,

"Well, knowing Ahspid, he has probably, at last, deciphered the reason for his presence here. It's nothing short of a miracle that none of the maids has returned from his room with goat horns on their heads or rat tails sticking out of their skirts."

"That old fart has a few screws loose so I bet he is quiet because he is preparing to do something weird again. Well, let him be for now; just ensure he doesn't leave the tower until I grant permission."

Stanis replied with an affirmative nod.

"Yes, Your Grace."

Discussing the mage only heightened Tillian's already elevated stress levels. Clearly fatigued and in discomfort, the duke rubbed his stinging, red eyes. He then crossed his large arms in front of his chest and pressed on,

"Has the Royal Guard already come back to the Capital? What is the word among our spies there?"

Leaning against the tall bookcase, his assistant mirrored the duke's posture by crossing his arms in front of his body. He responded,

"As expected, Count Crueder still managed to successfully convince the King that his daughter was simply abducted by bandits. Aside from him and the Royal Family, the rest of the nobility still believes that the princess was sent to the Temple. I believe the Ruans will make that statement official in the nearest future."

With an air of contemplation, Tillian scratched his chin before moving on,

"The bodies of those two are still in the basement, correct?"

Stanis offered another affirmative nod.

"Send their heads to Count Crueder's mansion. Let him get a little nervous in the meantime."

Now, Stanis was reluctant to respond. Fixing his dark eyes on Tillian, he skimmed through several nagging thoughts inside his mind, however, still decided to go with the obvious curiosity,

"Why not just offer the King another deal? He clearly does not care about the princess, I am sure he will not care who she is married to either."

Tillian offered the man leaning against his bookcase a somewhat disappointed glare.

"That marriage was a purely political deal. Count Crueder gave the King his vote and received royal money in exchange. As for Aideen… Utar will not leave Euris alone if King Zelon learns that one of the nobles tried to harm his granddaughter. The House Of Nobles still lacks support so Ruans are seeking it outside the Kingdom. With Princess Catriona sent to Anathaen to be the wife of Prince Gwidon, the entire Central Continent is watching the King as if he were on a chessboard. Taking the princess away from him right now is our most strategic move."

Stanis knew that Tillian was right. "Fratricide Rebellion" allowed Euris Ruan to usurp the throne but no matter how hard he tried, even after all these years, his position as a king was still unstable. 

With the kingdoms of the Central Continent aiming to build more connections with each other through political marriages, every single kingdom that chose to take part in this was under close watch, and nobody wanted to stumble. 

Releasing a rather delighted chuckle, Stanis offered his Lord another nod, and concluded,

"Well, your wish is my command, Your Grace. The bandits' heads it is."

As Stanis left Tillian's study, a somber silence settled over the room once again.

Duke Valentine closed his heavy eyelids and placed his palm over his left wrist, feeling the pleasant coolness of the thin silk ribbon tied carefully around it. His frantic mind began to wander through the tangled mess of his own thoughts until he finally made a mental effort to calm down, and whispered,

"I saved her from one hell only to bring her to a different one. Your selfishness knows no limits, Tillian."