The Dinner

Bella skillfully glided the brush through Aideen's flowing locks, pausing to express her admiration,

"Your Highness, your hair boasts such a uniquely captivating color! Although I haven't personally visited the Capital, I am confident that even there, no one possesses hair as stunning as yours. Has anyone ever attempted to put its beauty into words for you?"

Aideen fidgeted, twirling a thick lock of her hair between her fingers before nodding.

Yes, both the maids at the Royal Palace and those in the Count's mansion never failed to mention my hair every time they would tend to it.

'My hair is incredibly soft; I can always feel the effortless glide of my fingers across its surface. However, no one has ever described it as beautiful or unique. It seems the consensus is that my hair color resembles that of rotten berries. Each maid, including Vira, was consistently exasperated with me due to the rapid growth of my hair whenever it needed trimming. Perhaps Bella is merely attempting to uplift my spirits, especially considering the approaching dinner.'

The princess's evening preparations were, after all, prompted by her impending dinner engagement with Duke Tillian Valentine.

Despite Aideen's consistent rejection of his invitation, as she reassured him about not wanting the castle's cook to expend unnecessary time and effort on doubling the duke's portions, Tillian sternly refused to accept her refusal. 

As Aideen began to detect an unmistakable shade of annoyance in his tone, she concluded that attending the dinner might be a safer choice than risking irritation with the castle's owner, who had thus far been nothing but kind and patient with her.

Contemplating the prospect of sharing a meal with Duke Valentine resurfaced unpleasant memories of every occasion Aideen had the misfortune of dining with Count Constantine. 

Despite being his wife, she always found herself unwelcome in his company. Constant reminders of her supposedly wasting the food the Count worked so hard for lingered, even though he was aware that the maids often tampered with her meals. 

The mere thought of entering his dining hall made her lose her appetite instantly. Although he would insist that she eat at least something, the intense glares from the staff, coupled with the realization that they would mock her while she consumed poorly-prepared, spoiled food, caused the princess's stomach to contract in painful spasms. Eventually, she would spend half the night locked in the bathroom, throwing up the food that her stomach couldn't digest. 

As the upcoming dinner with His Grace loomed, a feeling of sickness already settled in her stomach. She wondered if he would insist on her partaking in the meal with the same eagerness he displayed while extending the invitation. The prospect didn't sit well with her. 

'I don't feel good. I... don't like it.'

Noticing her lady's nervous expression, Bella gently took Aideen's hands in hers, attempting to reassure her with her usual kind voice,

"Do not be afraid, My Lady. You've seen it already – His Grace is a kind, benevolent man. He always appears so lonely eating dinner all by himself, and so do you. You simply cannot survive on milk and bread all the time! Give it a chance; I am sure it will be alright."

Aideen didn't find the maid's words entirely convincing, but she had no choice but to accept this well-intentioned effort to lift her spirits. The princess offered a light smile and nodded.

"Good! Now, you are all ready, Your Highness! Let us make our way to the dining hall, and perhaps tonight will bring a pleasant change."


The very moment the doors to the dining hall swung open before her, Aideen was enveloped in a tantalizing aroma of food. To her great surprise, it differed significantly from the food served in Count Crueder's mansion.

It didn't just smell better; it was nothing short of fantastic.

As Aideen was carefully guided to the dining table, she endeavored to focus her senses and discern the evening's culinary offerings. Throughout her life, she hadn't had the chance to savor a vast variety of dishes. Her encounters with decently cooked meat were confined to her time in the Royal Palace, primarily during obligatory official events due to her status. More often than not, Aideen's menu comprised plain salads and unseasoned vegetable soups, a stark contrast that heightened her ability to recognize added flavors in the future. 

During her siblings' tea gatherings in the garden, she frequently concealed herself behind the flower bushes. Not only did she eavesdrop on their often perplexing conversations which usually were the only source of knowledge and news, but she also savored the aromas of the delectable food they enjoyed.

This secret practice became her unique way of familiarizing herself with the scents of various desserts and delicious pastries.

Upon relocating to the Count's mansion, under the cover of night, she would stealthily make her way to the kitchen, and with the begrudging assistance of Vira, who was perpetually grumpy about being awake at such late hours, she expanded her olfactory knowledge to include the distinctive smells of different types of meat, fish, various cooked dishes, exotic spices, and an assortment of beverages. 

The infrequency of indulging in well-prepared, delicious meals heightened the prominence and lasting impression of such memories. Now, as the aroma intensified with each step closer to the table, Aideen felt her head spin from the incredibly strong yet unbearably pleasant fragrance.

'I don't think I have ever smelled anything this exquisite in my entire life; the abundance is overwhelming. Grilled red meat, chicken, baked buttery potatoes, vegetables with vinegar and salt, freshly baked bread... This is not a simple dinner; this is a feast! Does he always eat like this?'

As this thought swirled through her busy mind, Bella came to a sudden stop, prompting the princess to do the same. A familiar low but kind voice reached Aideen's ears with its warm greeting,

"Good evening, Your Highness. I am glad you kept your word and decided to join me for dinner."