The One Whom You 'Truly Know'

If Count Crueder's abusive behavior were only physical and stemmed from his own insecurities; something that might eventually heal or vanish without a trace, Valon's torments were intricate, personal, and never failed to take root. They reached deeply into her soul, trampling all over it and leaving behind only endless suffering and nightmares.

But she did not want to say it all. 

"His Highness... Prince Valon and Prince Yanad are the only members of the Royal Family whose appearance I actually know. However, while the Crown Prince is someone whose face I don't really mind having engraved in my memory, his younger brother... Valon is the man whose silhouette haunts me no matter where I go."

"His silhouette?"

Tillian arched his eyebrows as the princess wrapped her arms around her shoulders, burying her face in them. Her voice took on a trembling tone as she tried to explain,