Do You Want To Mark Your Territory?

"So, you have been practicing releasing your mana for almost a week now, Your Highness. How do you feel?"

Ahspid snapped his fingers, causing yet another book to fly from the tall bookshelf next to the wall right into his hands, while his purple eyes carefully observed the changing expressions on Aideen's face.

The princess turned her face toward the mage and shrugged her shoulders rather timidly.

"I am not sure... It feels... cold?"


The man threw the book onto the table, clasping his hands together as if to applaud her adorable reply. He then curled his lips into a wide grin and nodded.

"Of course it does; you are a snow dragon, after all! But that's not what I meant. Can you feel your mana lingering around you even when you're not practicing?"

Aideen placed her right index finger against her chin, pondering Ahspid's words.