King Yuraon Of Davoor

Prompted by that voice, both Ahspid and Aideen turned around at the same time, surprised by the unexpected appearance of a stranger on the Duke's territory. 

The owner of the voice was a man of a rather large build and dressed in all black, except for his flowing black cape that was embroidered with an intricate ornament of dark blue, painting a myriad of flowers and trees all over its thick fabric. 

The mysterious dark stranger jumped off his giant black horse adorned with blue reins of intense blue color, and stood before the pair, his identity concealed under the big black hood covering his entire head. 

Slowly turning his head from side to side as if examining the place surrounding him, the man then turned to Aideen, and said, his voice –– an interesting blend of melodic yet somewhat rough undertones,

"This is a very interesting use of mana. I'm quite impressed! But I don't think this place needs even more snow than it has already."