I Hope These Dreams Will Become Reality

Bella moved her hand down again, gliding the wooden brush over the soft wavy locks of Aideen's long, beautiful hair. 

"I don't know what to do with myself, Your Highness! I am so excited, I'm ready to jump out of my skin!"

The princess smiled. She understood the reason for the maids' elevated state –– tomorrow was supposed to be their wedding; the anticipated union of Duke Tillian Valentine and Princess Aideen. 

Since Tillian made a rushed declaration that their union was to happen in a short span of just two days, the entire castle was in an uproar, and although every single one of its dwellers was definitely happy for their lord, it was painfully obvious that preparing an entire wedding in such a short period of time was a very difficult task to tackle. 

"I still cannot believe we managed to prepare everything so quickly! His Grace surely gave us a fright when he announced the wedding date. Everyone is so exhausted but exhilarated at the same time."