
Loraline gazed at the white envelope in her hands for nearly a minute, feeling a profound sense of sadness and regret gnawing at her soul. Then, with a long sigh, she resolved to fetch the royal messenger and promptly send the princess's letter.

However, her intentions were abruptly halted as she observed the approach of His Highness, the second prince when she left the room as well. 

With a courteous bow, she greeted him, 

"Good morning, Your Highness."

"Good morning, My Lady. How are you on this fine day? And how is life here treating the two of you?"

Valon's thin lips stretched into a wide grin, his face radiating an unusual sense of happiness on his pale features. The woman nodded and responded in a polite tone, 

"Thanks to the Royal Family's attention, Her Highness and I are adjusting quite well here."

"Oh?" The prince's expression shifted to one of genuine surprise. "Well, I am truly glad to hear that."