That Kind Of Laughter

Aideen completed the task of sorting through the Duke's correspondence and shifted her focus to the documents awaiting Tillian's signature.

With Ahspid's absence, she found herself grappling with the practice of magic in solitude, devoid of his guiding presence. The absence of his mentorship proved disheartening, for in his tutelage, Ahspid always sought to elevate her skills by introducing new challenges to her practice.

Nevertheless, even in his absence, the princess persevered. Freed from the constraints of shared study sessions, she delved deeper into her husband's affairs, dedicating herself to assisting him in his daily tasks within his study.

Aideen remained hesitant to venture beyond the realm of basic document sorting or putting the Valentine seal onto papers authorized by Stanis. Yet, her journey was one of continual growth; each document she encountered presented an opportunity for further education, a chance she never squandered.