Neither Of Us Feels Like Ourselves In This Place

Once the music stopped, the banquet hall filled with a loud round of applause, as if everyone were watching the married couple dance instead of sharing it with them.

Both the Crown Prince and his wife stepped away from each other and concluded the dance with a mutual bow, showing their gratitude to one another. What followed next was a brief moment of awkward silence between them, which was then quickly dispelled by Princess Melania, who spotted one of the servants carrying a silver tray filled with sparkling wine.

"Thank you for the dance, Your Highness; it was wonderful. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to have a drink. I do not believe I had even a single drop of water since morning."

Yanad's reply was a careless nod, followed by the forced necessity of a single piece of advice.

"Yes, of course. I suggest that you mingle some more, Your Highness. I am certain that many noble ladies are dying to befriend you tonight."