An Important Errand

Once the letter was carefully folded and sealed within a neat white envelope bearing Melania's personal seal in the center, the princess hurried out of her chambers directly to the bedroom of her lady-in-waiting, who was engrossed in one of the many tear-jerking romance books she had brought with her from Lafad.

"Your Highness! What is it? Do you need something?"

Startled by the sudden opening of her bedroom door, Loraline dropped the book to the floor, pressing her palm against her frantically beating heart. Melania fixed her big brown eyes on the book for a few seconds before returning them to the woman, a loud exclamation escaping her lips.

"Loraline, get dressed! There is an important errand you need to do right this instant!"

"An important errand?" The woman arched her eyebrows, still trying to cover the cover of the book she had just dropped with her shawl. "What is it? Shall I call for a footman or an errand boy, then?"