The Fire Birds

Valon quickly shut the window and rushed towards his other desk, positioned to the left wall of his lab. Once he stood before it, he unwrapped his long fingers, allowing the bird to fly out of his fist once again, exposing a small piece of damaged tinder tied to one of her legs. 

The prince untied the tinder from the bird's leg, examined it with his keen eyes for a couple of seconds, then shifted his green gaze to the intricate formula written on the surface of the desk in white chalk. 

"Let's see what you have to tell us."

The moment Valon placed the tinder onto the formula, its writing turned bright blue for a split second, and before he knew it, instead of the damaged piece of tinder, the prince saw a dozen of tiny snowflakes rising up in the air. 

Stretching his thin lips into a canny smile, he exclaimed traumatically,

"Got you!"
