Black Dust

Ahspid wrapped his right hand around his wavy white hair behind his neck and tied it into a loose low ponytail with a thin black silk ribbon—a gift received from Aideen, one of her own treasures.

He slid his fingers over the final result of his attempt to tidy up his hair and released a long sigh. Something as trivial as wrapping a ribbon around his locks now seemed like a chore. He used to hate doing it in the past when this appearance was cherished by him, but once he met Lina, the duty to tie his hair was transferred to her, saving him both time and an annoying waste of effort.

When she disappeared, he could not stop thinking about cutting his hair short and never letting it down again, but now he was glad he did not. Now, he still had something of hers with him—a precious memory, an unforgettable experience nobody could take away from him.