You Are A Great Warrior, Lord Giggles

Safie paced back and forth in front of the back entrance of the castle, nervously biting her nails. Duke Valentine and Sir Stanis were supposed to return any minute now.

No matter how hard she tried to remain busy and not think about Bella venturing outside to get the healing tea, the maid could not help but feel anxious and restless. Pausing for a moment before the thin, tall window, she took a quick look outside and let out a long, nervous exhale.

"It has begun to snow... Look how dark it is out there! Goodness, Bella, where are you now?"

At last, her pacing was interrupted when the door to the castle was swung open, inviting Tillian and Stanis inside. The moment they both entered, the young woman jumped right in front of them, nervously grabbing the duke by his arms as she exclaimed,

"Your Grace! Thank goodness, I am about to jump out of my skin!"

"Safie? What are you doing here?"