A Tiny Prince

Aideen was right to feel shocked at what she saw sitting before her on the icy ground; there, in the heart of the cold cave, nestled amidst the shimmering frost, was a creature of wonder, a creature of magical lineage –– a baby snow dragon.

He was small, no larger than an average dog, his tiny form adorned with delicate features that hid the fierce power within. Small wings, fragile yet full of potential, fluttered nervously as he shifted, his white claws glinting in the soft glow of the cavern's icy ground.

But it was his eyes, oh, those eyes that captured the essence of his being. Big and luminous, they shone with a mesmerizing blend of green and yellow, mirroring the color of the eyes that belonged to Aideen.

His skin, blue and scaly like the frozen depths of a winter lake, was covered with a thin layer of shimmering ice as if the creature was about to be frozen.