Something Formidable

"What is it?" Yanad's serious tone only increased Aideen's concern.

"I believe that your husband's men, along with the armies of Davoor and Lafad, are strong enough to defeat the King and the additional forces from Anathaen," the Crown Prince began. Although his words were confident, his voice remained somewhat uncertain. "However, there's a disturbing rumor circulating within Valon's quarters that has made me worried."

"What kind of rumor?"

Yanad let out a heavy sigh. "You probably remember all the experiments Valon has been conducting ever since he started studying alchemy. I'm afraid the more he practiced, the more he improved..."

He paused for a moment, as if to collect his thoughts, but in reality, he was still conflicted about going against his own family so openly. Changing one's perspective on a lifetime of beliefs doesn't happen overnight, and this inner turmoil was evident in Yanad's entire demeanor.