From the Author

Someone once said that the best adventures are written by life. Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of becoming a writer, but I had one major problem:

No material for the book.

I decided to change that and, at draft age, set out into the world as a mercenary. After many years of exploring both the beautiful and dark corners of our planet, I gathered enough material to carry out my plan and fulfill my childhood dream. And that is how this book was created. The story is based in part on true events in the history of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I filled it with experiences, events, suffering, joy and love that accompanied me for the last twenty years of my life. You could say that this is a novel based on the prose of life. It is not a typical book, but rather an autobiography enriched with elements of science, history, art, filled with twists and turns and spiced with a pinch of sci-fi with a touch of fantasy.

Judge for yourself.

Ready for a trip through the labyrinth of my life's story?


Gabriel van Robern