Chapter 15: The Ancients




The next morning they met in a small, rustic lounge on the first floor of the inn. The sun had already set high in the sky, illuminating the town with its warm rays. However, the atmosphere was still tense, and the consequences they had severely experienced still hung in the air.

- We need to find answers. What we have discovered is no coincidence. It seems that we have been drawn into something extremely dangerous," began Brother Elias, looking at his companions.

- That's right. It's no longer an adventure just survival," confirmed Alessandra, looking into the distance.

- Most importantly, we need to know what we are dealing with. We can't leave any possibility unexplained," Alex added, watching the first walkers pass the window.

They took to the streets of the town, ready for more challenges. They passed by wooden houses as residents began to come out curious about the new visitors. The sight of a group of newcomers marked with scars from a recent battle drew attention. According to Clara, there was someone who could help them. So they headed in the direction of the indicated address.

Hidden in the shadow of a green hill, stood the old house of a historian who had spent his life collecting stories from the past. Covered with faded tiles, it seemed to be an integral part of the landscape. The walls, built of stone and wood, were covered with vines that sprinkled with tiny white flowers in the spring. The main entrance was adorned with a massive door made of heavy oak, with intricately carved designs depicting scenes from ancient legends. Under the windows, which were small and set in deep recesses, grew herbs and flowers, which the host passionately tended. Each window was equipped with brass hardware that had acquired a patina after many years of use, giving the place a unique charm. On the roof, sparrows' nests braided from twigs had their place near its edges, and white-gray smoke with the smell of burning birch rose from the chimney.

- I think it's here," said Luca looking at the building with the curiosity of a small boy.

- So let's see if we can find the answers to the questions," replied Alex knocking on the door.

The door slowly opened, and in the threshold stood an old man with gray hair and deep wrinkles that adorned his face like a map of experiences. His eyes, bright and penetrating, shone with warmth, but also with the wisdom that comes from years spent studying history.

- Hello, young newcomers," he said with a smile that made it seem as if the whole environment became brighter. - What a surprise! How can I help you?

Alessandra looked at Alex, and he nodded, encouraging his friend to ask the question.

- We heard from Ms. Klara that the history of the place is hidden in this house. In this regard, could you please answer some questions for us? - We would be very grateful.

The old man swung the door open even wider and invited them inside.

- Ah! Klara. Of course, you are welcome! Come in, let you be enveloped by the warmth of my home. - With a gesture of invitation, he pointed to the table where old maps and books lay. - Every thing here has a story. Take a seat. I will try to answer your questions.

They exchanged glances full of enthusiasm, and their curiosity grew as they crossed the threshold, entering a place that promised adventures and unknown stories. The interior of the house was a treasure trove of the past. When one crossed the threshold, one immediately noticed a huge table made of dark wood, filled with stacks of books, parchments and old maps. On the walls hung paintings depicting famous personalities headed by Da Vinci, as well as scenes from the daily life of the town's former residents. Light streamed in through the windows, creating a cozy atmosphere, and the warm colors of the wood and soft fabrics made the interior exude tranquility. In the corner of the room stood an old library, reaching all the way to the ceiling. Volumes piled up on the shelves, some of them bound in leather, others with yellowed pages. Next to the library stood a comfortable armchair bitten by the teeth of time, where the historian enjoyed sitting with a mug of hot herbs, immersing himself in his reading.

Noticing how eagerly they were looking at his collection, he suddenly remembered something important with a smile.

- Ah, sorry! But the old fool of me. Where are my manners. I forgot to introduce myself," he said, with an expression of embarrassment on his face. - My name is Herold Pavan, but all my friends just call me Herold. And you young newcomers, what are your names?

Luca and Alex looked at each other, and then Alessandra, she replied:

 - I am Alessandra, and this big guy is my friend Alex.- She went on to say, drawing the attention of her friend, who was clumsily going through the papers on the table - This pike who is just rummaging through your maps is Luca.

Luca couldn't help but be fascinated by the old maps spread out on the table. His fingers glided over their edges, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

- Brother Elias," interjected Elias. - We wanted to...

- Get to know the stories of the place," Alex added.

Mr. Herold nodded, and his eyes sparkled with joy.

- I'm glad you guys came. It's been a long time since anyone visited me. History is the best friend one can have. Sit back and make yourselves comfortable, and I'll try to share what I know with you.

With a smile on his face, he indicated their seats at the table, and the atmosphere in the room became even friendlier, as if waiting for the stories to be shared.

- I will treat you with my tincture. It will be easier for you to absorb my stories. - He said with a smile, heading for the kitchen.

Herold disappeared into the kitchen for a while, and the travelers began to look around the room. The kitchen was small, but functional. On the wooden countertop were bowls of dried herbs and spices that he had collected himself. Pots and pans hung on the walls, and an herb garden stood by the window, a source of fresh ingredients for dishes. From the kitchen came the smell of baking bread, which Herold baked every week, according to a tradition that had been passed down through generations. He returned, carrying a small jug of dark, golden liquid.

- This is my specialty," he said, pouring into small glasses. - A tincture of juniper and herbs. It helps you focus on yawning stories.

They raised their glasses with enthusiasm. Herold lifted his own up, and his eyes sparkled as if he were young.

- Here's to new friendships and old stories!

- Here's to friendships! - they exclaimed, with smiles on their faces.

As soon as the glasses clinked, there was a joyful atmosphere in the air. Herold took a seat at the table.

- Oh gosh! What power. - Threw Luca crooked from the power of the drink.

- Good. - Brother Elias added happily.

- Tell us about the history of this place. Specifically about the connection between this place and the cosmos, the stars. - added Alex putting down his glass.

- We are interested in beliefs as well as scientific aspects such as astronomy. Did the local people perhaps believe in visitors from the stars? - Alessandra said.

- This land," he began, looking up as if to see stars through the roof, "was once a place of intense astronomical research. The inhabitants of this region, called Custodians, used the knowledge associated with star observations to probe the mysteries of the universe. They considered them, especially those in the constellation Orion, to be the key to wisdom and spiritual development.

Herold continued, telling of ancient engravings in the city's cathedral that showed the Custodians in deep meditation, focused on connecting their minds with the stars.

- These were practices aimed at gaining a greater understanding of the universe through focused astronomical observations. According to astronomers of the time," he continued, "the Orion constellation was particularly important. Not only as a reference in navigation, but also as a source of myths and beliefs. They believed that the stars in this constellation had extraordinary powers, and that connecting with the Annunaki, as they called star people, could expand their level of consciousness.

Luca poured the liquor, then, with fascination in his eyes, without waiting for the others, he sipped the glass. They delved into the story, trying to connect the facts with the legend, still intrigued by what might have been behind the tales.

- Calculations of the movement of the stars indicated that Orion could be identified with astronomical transits, which were crucial in the calendars of ancient cultures, Herold continued. - Stars for them were like milestones on the path of knowledge. In this area, there was something special. For decades, they had tried to combine their efforts to fathom the secrets of the cosmos and perhaps reach a higher level of consciousness. They recognized that these celestial bodies influence the fate of people and the decisions of the community. Therefore, they placed great emphasis on astronomical observations and their interpretations.

He mentioned again the role of Orion as a central constellation that was observed and studied by many ancient civilizations. It was a reference point with significance in shaping mythology and beliefs.

- For centuries, Orion was seen as a symbol of power and divinity, Herold stressed. - Ancient astronomers equated him with their god of war, thinker and even protector of mankind. Perhaps it was for this reason that the site was chosen as a center for cosmic worship. To the ancients, Orion's Belt was like a great clock. Its arrangement of stars changed at different times of the year, corresponding to important events in their daily lives.

They listened to these scientific tales, beginning to understand more and more the importance of astronomical knowledge for ancient communities and how it influenced their culture and practices.

Meanwhile, Luca poured again. This time only to himself being as if in hypnosis.

- It's fascinating how ancient people were able to understand astronomical phenomena with such limited resources and technology," Luca admired, "And at the same time, how this knowledge was woven into their beliefs and practices.

Herold nodded.

- Yes, it is remarkable. This ancient wisdom remains our heritage and inspiration for understanding our place in the universe. The Custodes believed that Orion's Belt, the three brightest stars in that constellation, had special significance. They were convinced that it was there that a portal to other dimensions and worlds existed. They considered these stars the gateway to the true face of the cosmos.

Luca, fascinated by the story, began asking questions about how ancient explorers could have known about these complex star structures.

- They had been observing the sky for dozens of generations, Herold explained.They used simpler instruments, but had a gift for precise observation. They tracked the movements of stars and planets, creating maps and charting astronomical cycles.

- Is there any specific connection between Orion and this place? - Alessandra asked, wondering about the mysterious engravings in the cathedral.

- Yes," replied Herold. - Legend has it that the first Custodians who came to this place, inspired by the Orionazn constellation, recognized the location of these hills as a sign and undertook practices that would connect them to this cosmic pattern.

- But why does the place seem so.... deformed? - Alex asked. - After all, it can't just be the fault of natural processes.

Mr. Herold nodded, knowing that the question was crucial.

- It's true. It seems that something has changed the original purpose of this place. It may be related to the powerful energies that were released here, as the legends say. It is said that the Custodians joined forces to create something great. They delved into the secrets of the cosmos and managed to channel the energy of the stars. They were intermediaries between the earthly world and the sky. This energy was to transform and provide immense wisdom.

Encouraged by the knowledge she was learning, Alessandra asked the question here: are there any documents from that era that can provide more information.

- Unfortunately, most of these ancient records have not stood the test of time," Herold confessed.

Luca continued with a series of questions, trying to fathom the phenomenon and their relationship to the stars.

- Can we be sure that these Custodians knew what they were talking about? Could it have been just their beliefs?

Herold, smiling slightly.

- In those days, faith was as important as scientific fact. They were often intertwined. But we must consider it as part of the human quest to understand the universe. They may have discovered a substitute for something. The knowledge of those people was based on observation and deduction. Some of their theories may seem to us today as fantastic fables, but to them they were the heart of science and faith. I will show you some engravings.

Herold got up from the table, intrigued by the conversation and the enthusiasm of the young explorers. - Let's go to the cathedral," he suggested. - There you will find some interesting engravings that may shed new light on the mysteries of the Custodes. It's not far.

Excitement grew as they set off toward the cathedral. When they stepped outside, they spotted the building rising on a hill, standing out clearly in the landscape. The cathedral was built of gray stone that shimmered gold in the glow of the setting sun. Its two towers, topped by slender spires, reached toward the sky, as if they wanted to touch the clouds. The facade of the cathedral was richly decorated. In the central part there was a large door made of dark oak, carved in intricate patterns depicting biblical scenes and symbols related to heaven. On either side of the door were columns that supported beautiful stained-glass windows, showing figures of saints and depictions of biblical events such as the Flood and the giving of the Ten Commandments. The stained glass windows shimmered with the colors of the rainbow, and their brilliance seemed to dance on the stone floor as light came through them.

Herold opened the heavy door. They stepped inside, feeling the cool air fill their lungs. Inside, the cathedral was even more stunning. The high ceiling, decorated with frescoes depicting heavenly scenes, gave a sense of spaciousness and sacredness. In the central part was a huge altar mensa, decorated with gold ornaments and flowers, which added freshness to the place. He led them to a side aisle where several old engravings hung, carefully framed in wooden frames. Each told its own story, depicting both legends and astronomical phenomena.

- Look at this one," Herold pointed to one of the engravings. - It's a depiction of the Custodes surrounded by stars. You can see how intensely they observed the night sky. It's not only art, but also their attempt to understand the universe.

- It's like time travel," sighed Alessandra, staring at the engravings. - I wish I could go back in time and see how they did it.

Herold walked among the engravings, pointing out details he could interpret.

- It was a different era. They had their own ways of understanding the universe. For them, the stars were not only astronomical objects, but also spiritual symbols. They wanted to connect with them, to bring themselves to a higher level of consciousness.

With each story, with each new look at the engravings, they saw more and more the depth of those beliefs. Discovering these mysteries was like wandering through the thicket of an unknown cosmos, filled with new discoveries. They began to see how this history intertwined with today's events. The energy that emanated from the original place of worship could have powerful effects on the modern world. It affected the surrounding cosmos, nature and even humans.

- But what if something went wrong? - Alessandra asked, her voice trembling with anxiety. - What if they triggered something they couldn't control? Something that absorbed that wisdom and became a powerful source?

Herold nodded, and understanding flashed in his eyes.

- Yes, it is possible that something went wrong. What they released got out of control. We don't know this phenomenon, we don't know its nature. It could have turned into something dangerous

Luca, fascinated by astronomy, began to combine the various strands of his knowledge.

- It is possible that this combination of stellar energies, which was supposed to be a bridge between the world and the cosmos, began to function on a scale that overwhelmed them. Perhaps the balance was disturbed, affecting the surrounding matter and energy.

Fired up like thinkers, they began to explore the subject. Luca eagerly studied the position of the stars at the time on a map he borrowed from Herold.

- They may have chosen a specific arrangement of stars as a reference point," he said, analyzing a map of the sky. - Perhaps at the time there was a particular condition in the sky, corresponding to their beliefs.

Meanwhile, Alessandra was trying to understand the relationship between energy and matter.

- This energy could affect the structure of atoms and molecules, maybe even change the chemical properties of substances," she explained, and her eyes blazed with enthusiasm. - It could affect nature, even man himself.

As they pondered this cosmic energy, they discovered its ability to influence various elements of life. It could shape people's consciousness, enhance certain abilities and even arouse emotions.

- It was an uncontrollable force," Brother Elias stated, his voice sounding like an echo of old times. - Perhaps they hoped to merge with it in a controlled way to serve humanity. Unfortunately, they seem to have lost control of it. They realized that this energy still remained on Earth, permeating the surrounding world. They had to find a way to neutralize it and undo its influence before irreversible changes in the cosmic balance took place.

- Let's go up to the library. Maybe there we can find answers to your questions," Herold said.

- Good idea," Alex added.

They made their way to the library. Its walls, covered with dark oak, rose to high vaults, and its many shelves, filled with neatly bound volumes, seemed to whisper the stories of centuries past. Each book, with its parchment pages and gilded spines, hid wisdom and secrets, waiting to be discovered by the knowledge-thirsty reader. There was a faint smell of old scrolls in the air, mixed with the scent of wax candles that illuminated the interior with a warm glow. In the center of the room stood a massive table of dark wood, surrounded by carved chairs. In one of the cozy niches, a window overlooking the swirling leaves of the trees let in the sun's rays, creating golden patches on the floor.

Here, in a silence broken only by the rustling of pages, somewhere among dusty tomes and yellowed parchments, Herold pulled out a manuscript describing the practices and beliefs of the Kustodians. The texts revealed complex rituals designed to communicate with and control cosmic energy. Excerpts from the manuscript included ancient star observations made by the Kustods. According to them, the energy associated with the place had its source in the star system, particularly in Orion's belt. This was the area where stars, planets, and powerful cosmic forces were born. Records suggested that the Custodes believed that cosmic energy was the source of all knowledge, and that control over it opened the door to the secrets of the universe. The rituals described in the manuscript were intended to activate and redirect this energy in a controlled manner.

- It seems that the ancients had advanced knowledge of cosmic energy. They were able to tap its source in Orion's belt," Luca noted, carefully reading the next sentences in Latin.

They delved into passages from other books given by Herold that described specific rituals. Using geometry, physics, sounds and intentions, the Custodians sought to vibrationally harmonize the energy to make it positive and beneficial for humanity. This harmonization was the key to unlocking the potential of cosmic energy.

- It's like a kind of ancient programming of this cosmic energy," Luca wondered, trying to combine this information with his own knowledge.

The ritual practiced by the Custodians involved the application of scientific concepts, such as astronomy. It was a complex process. They carefully studied ancient texts, trying to understand the various stages of this ritual:

Geometric Foundations

They began by creating intricate geometric patterns, symbolizing the laws of physics and the harmony of the universe. They used forms such as spirals, reflecting the movements of galaxies, and gravitational patterns, creating graphics that were meant to reinforce the connection to cosmic energy.*


They took into account the positions of the stars and planets at a particular time, paying special attention to particular constellations. They relied on astronomical observations, knowing that the positions of celestial bodies affect energy and cosmic dynamics.

Harmony of the Spheres

The ritual involved the use of sounds at specific frequencies that corresponded to the natural resonances of the universe. Custodians knew that sounds create ripples that affect the surrounding environment, and the right harmonies can strengthen or weaken the energy.


By studying the laws of physics, the Custodians believed that their intentions and conscious thoughts influenced energy at the quantum level. Through meditation and mental focus, they sought to shape the structure of energy at the atomic level.

Energy Synthesis

The final step was to integrate different forms of energy - thermal, light, sound - to create an energy synergy. They believed that different types of energy could interact with each other to create a powerful effect.

They immersed themselves in the stages of the ritual, one by one. Geometric Foundations was composed of several phases. The first step was to create complex geometric patterns that symbolized the laws of physics, the harmony of the universe and its structure. Custodians used simple geometric figures such as circles, spirals, triangles and squares to represent the basic cosmic elements. Each pattern had its own symbolism, linking scientific concepts to spiritual development. Circles symbolized the cycles of life and death, spirals were a symbol of growth and expansion, and triangles represented balance and stability.

- Why don't we try to recreate it and understand how it works? - Alessandra asked.

- Sure and they will fall on our heads ufoki," grunted Luca.

- Ufoki? - Herold asked

- People of the stars," replied Brother Elias.

- Good. There is no need to think about it. If we're going to get back to our old life then we have to try. - Alex added.

- We'll play here for a while," threw in Luca with a wince.

- I will tell Mrs. Clara that we will stay for a few days. Let her clean the rooms and prepare the meal. - replied Brother Elias.

- Good idea," replied Alessandra.

They got to work. After the meal, they returned to the library and began by creating simple patterns to get used to how energy interacted with geometric shapes. Soon they came to more complex arrangements that had the power to affect the energy around them. With each step, they discovered new aspects of ancient knowledge. They worked avidly, creating and adjusting various geometric forms that were meant to represent both the nature of energy and their own intentions. As they worked their way through the intricate patterns, they realized that each element had its own meaning, each shape carried a deeper idea. Putting these forms together was intended to have a powerful effect, to enhance the cosmic energy and allow them to harmonize with it. They realized that understanding the geometric foundations was only the beginning of their journey. More challenges awaited them, and their determination grew with each step. They knew they had to discover more information about the Kustod rituals in order to successfully put their teachings into practice.

Spurred on by their newfound enthusiasm, they agreed that they should start with a study of the constellations. They began searching the archives for any mention of what was happening in the sky during the time the Custodians ruled these lands. Finding the right dates was crucial. They determined that the most important period was the night skies, which were dominated by the constellation Orion, with a distinctive arrangement of stars that also included other celestial bodies.

- Orion is a symbol of the warrior spirit, and its presence can be crucial to our actions," Luca noted as he analyzed maps of the sky. - I believe that our synchronization with this system can strengthen our intention.

They joined forces with Herold to prepare for the next step, which involved rituals to harmonize sounds. They gathered musical instruments. They began sound sessions, trying to capture frequencies that were in tune with the rhythms of the universe. The sounds were deep, pulsing, resonating with their bodies and minds. They knew that what they were creating could influence the energy around them, and that their intentions could support their aspirations. Each session brought them closer to understanding how harmonizing sounds with cosmic energy could create a powerful effect. As they progressed, they began to see that the sounds they produced were not only harmonies, but also a form of communication with the universe. They discovered that the intention of their hearts was central to the process, and their belief in the power of cosmic energy grew stronger. Sounds filled their space, filling the air with vibrations that affected their minds. Each note became part of their own energy, bringing them closer to discovering how to control the power of the Custodes. At this stage, the friends realized that their actions were not only a physical process, but also a spiritual experience. They began to see that their relationship with cosmic energy could be one of cooperation, harmony and understanding.

As they researched the rituals of the Custodes, they felt they were approaching key discoveries that could change their understanding of the universe. But they had no time to waste. The time they had to reverse the negative effects was fading before their eyes, and the pressure was mounting. They had to act quickly to salvage the balance before everything was completely out of their hands. They quickly made the decision to end their research on sound harmony and focus on the next steps. They knew that the last step they had to take required synchronizing energy, geometric foundations and sound harmony. They decided that their first step would be to find a suitable place to conduct the ritual. The place should be free of disturbances that could affect their actions. After some discussion, they decided that the best place would be a nearby mountain peak, to which a little-used path led.

Preparations went on for several days. They gathered the materials they would need to carry out the ritual, and laid out a detailed plan of action. The night of the ritual came, and the sky above them was bright and starry. According to the notes, the constellation Orion was in place, and their energy was ready to be activated. At the top of the mountain, they gathered in a circle, prepared for action. Alessandra stood at the forefront, as her intentions aided by the power of the Prophetess were the strongest. Elias and Luca arranged their instruments in the shape of a spiral, and Alex placed an ancient stone in front of him to symbolize the connection to the energy of the earth.

They began by drawing geometric patterns on the ground, creating intricate shapes to reflect their intentions. Each pattern was symbolic, and their work was aimed at harmonizing with cosmic energy. They created complex shapes: circles, spirals, triangles, which had deep meaning in their culture. The circle symbolized unity and infinity, the spiral symbolized evolution and the cycle of life, and the triangle symbolized the harmony of the three basic elements: earth, water and air. The patterns converged at a central point, where a small stone shone like a star at the heart of their ritual.

When they finished, they sat in a circle around these geometric signs, preparing for the sound session by creating melodious vibrations that carried around the area, harmonizing with the energy of the surrounding nature. The melodies sounded like the gentle rustling of the wind in the treetops. As their sounds fused together, they created harmonious vibrations, reminiscent of the sound of a stream in full sunlight. They reached for instruments, simple but soulful: wooden flutes, leather-covered drums and metal sound bowls. The drums struck rhythmically, their deep pulse reflecting the heartbeat of the earth itself, while the flutes brought airy, ethereal melodies to the sounds, which soared into the sky as if asking for blessings from the stars. Bowls, struck with sensitivity, produced sounds that vibrated in the air, creating an aura full of magic. The natural sounds of the surroundings were woven in: birdsong, the rustling of leaves, and even the distant buzzing of insects. Each tone was like a drop of water, filling the lake of their intentions to strengthen their connection to the cosmos and gain control over the power the Custodians were trying to subdue.

As the ritual was performed, the energy around them began to pulsate, its intensity increasing until it became almost tangible. They felt it in their bones, in every part of their bodies, as if nature itself was interacting with them. The ground beneath them trembled, and the sky above them lit up, creating spectacular phenomena. Lightning danced in the clouds, and the sky took on shades of purple and gold, as if the universe reflected their desires. As the sounds reached their climax, Alessandra uttered words that had the power to connect their intentions with cosmic energy.

- We are here to heal, to connect with wisdom, to restore balance between the world and the cosmos. May this energy fill us and lead us to fulfillment.

As these words fell, the air around them began to vibrate, as if the atmosphere itself responded to their call. Vibrations of energy penetrated their bodies, enveloping them in a radiance that pulsed to the rhythm of their beating hearts. They felt every muscle, every cell fill with warmth, as if the sun's rays seeping through the leaves surrounded them in an aura of magical power. They closed their eyes. The tenderness of this moment was unparalleled; they felt united with every particle of the world around them, every atom in their bodies, which trembled in harmony with the breath of the earth. Every thought became a ray of light, connecting them to every star in the sky, to every galaxy far beyond the horizon of their imagination. The ritual reached a climax, and their intentions managed to merge with the energy, creating a powerful vibration that engulfed the entire space around them. It seemed as if time had stopped - the sounds of drums, chants and natural harmonies merged into one powerful melody that carried them towards the sky.

Everything around them lit up with radiance, as if the stars in the sky wished to descend to earth, and nature, with its plants and animals, seemed to be part of this sacred ritual. Flowers opened their petals, and the scent of wild herbs wafted through the air, complementing the vibrations of their energy. Each of them, with a look of concentration on their faces, knew that the efforts had had an effect. The power of the cosmos had become a reality. When they opened their eyes, they saw the world in a new light. They were ready to face the challenges that awaited them with new skills and an understanding of their place in the cosmos. However, as they left the top of the mountain, they felt that this was only the beginning of their new journey. The secrets of the Kustods were still waiting to be uncovered. Although certainty had set in their hearts, they knew that the road to full power and harmony was still a long one.

Their adventure was just beginning.