The Great Origin Golden Bell (2)

Tang Bufan was now grinning to everyone as he stepped forward to sound the Great Origin Golden Bell.

In all the cultivation stories, the MC would always be someone who is extremely arrogant and sure of themselves.

They would always be able to know the result of their success even though they had never tried something.

Although this may sound weird but it was because they are the MCs and they are always very sure of themselves.

Tang Bufan was not an exception as he stepped forward because he had thought of himself as the MC of the cultivation stories. Moreover, the Devil Goddess had assured him that he would be able to sound the Great Origin Golden Bell 9 times.

This assurance was something that not even the MCs of other cultivation stories had when they tried to act with great arrogancy toward the others and offended everyone from left, right to center.

Today was the day that he could prove himself to everyone in the Heavens Ridge Villa.

Tang Bufan announced to everyone, "What is so hard about sounding the Great Origin Golden Bell? I can make it sound 9 times!"

When everyone had heard Tang Bufan, they were all laughing and mocking at him.

Even Qin Keqin could not resist a chuckle as she said to him, "It's good to have some aspirations but this is too much."

Lu Qingyun on the other hand was looking panicky because he could not allow Tang Bufan to sound the Great Origin Golden Bell 8 times and to marry his Keqin.

His fists were clenching tightly as he stared at the Great Origin Golden Bell. If he could make it echo 8 times, then won't he be able to marry Qin Keqin too?

Even Tang Bufan's grand elder, the Celestial Shi Guanyin was greatly flustered as she said weakly. "Protégé Tang Bufan, it is alright to have some confidence but it is not alright to boast."

Tang Bufan ignored his grand elder as he turned to look intently at Qin Keqin, "Do you mean it when you say that I can take you as my dao cultivation partner if I can sound this Great Origin Golden Bell 8 times? If I can sound this Great Origin Golden Bell 9 times then you will call me your senior brother?"

Qin Keqin chuckled softly, "Of course I mean it with all my dao heart. But the question is, are you able to even make it sound past the third echo?"

Tang Bufang laughed coolly, "Of course I am able to. Just watch me."

When everyone saw how arrogant Tang Bufan was, they were all secretly cursing him in their hearts and the reputation of Tang Bufan in their hearts had suddenly plummeted.

Even Rushuang who was presented as an ordinary protégé was shaking her head weakly as she praised herself for leaving this Tang Bufan as his maidservant before she could not pull herself away.

Grand Elder Celestial Bai Laoxiong who was secretly in cahoots with Tang Bufan was looking awkward; he had accepted Tang Bufan's bribe and had screwed his consort so he was looking to support him. But in such a situation, how could he even speak for Tang Bufan?

In fact, he could feel everyone's unpleasant look that was on Tang Bufan now, including from the other 5 grand elders.

He thought: Did this Tang Bufan read too many cultivation stories?

Tang Bufan began to muster his Great Heavenly Dao Divine Art with profound strength to hit the Great Origin Golden Bell.

When he had struck the Great Origin Golden Bell, there was a resonant impact and now everyone was looking keenly at the result and whether if the Great Origin Golden Bell would have any echoes.

One protégé began to mock Tang Bufan, "I don't hear any sound."

A few more proteges were also jeering Tang Bufan at the same time, "Where the echoes?"

Another protégé mocked him, "Do you think that because you are a third realm expert that you can make the Great Origin Golden Bell to echo for you? We have quite a few of our senior brothers that are at the third realm and they can't even make the Great Origin Golden Bell to echo even once. It is not something that hard work will be able to accomplish. This is a test of your future cultivation potential!"

But Tang Bufan merely smiled, "Just wait and see. You'll soon know."

Almost immediately, the Great Origin Golden Bell began to echo and a golden light had flashed upward from it!


The Great Origin Golden Bell had made its first echo!

This immediately silenced many of the dissenters as even some of the core protégés were not even able to make a single echo from the Great Origin Golden Bell.

Grand Elder Bai Laoxiong immediately smiled, "Maybe this Protégé Tang Bufan has a potential after all."

A protégé mocked at Tang Bufan, "It is merely one echo and nothing to be proud of!"

"That's right!" Many protégés were also echoing.

But they were soon being slapped when the Great Origin Golden Bell had echoed once again.

This silenced most of the protégés as they stared with great disbelief.

"It is the second echo…"

"He is a genius after all…"

Another protégé hummed coldly, "So what? Senior Sister Leng Qiuyue has made this Great Origin Golden Bell sounded thrice. Can he?"

Barely had he said that, the Great Origin Golden Bell had sounded thrice!

This stunned almost all the onlookers who could not believe that this Tang Bufan was such a great genius!

Grand Elder Celestial Bai Laoxiong laughed as he turned to say to Grand Elder Celestial Shi Guanyin, "It seems that you have two genius protégés now."

However Grand Elder Celestial Shi Guanyin did not look at all pleased; it was because this Tang Bufan had shamed her Red Heaven Sword Hall with his arrogancy and he had even wanted to take their Acting Sect Leader Qin Keqin as his dao cultivation partner.

Many of the protégés were greatly startled as they stammered, "He can really make it echo thrice…"

Tang Bufan smirked, "What is 3 times? I can even make it echo 4 times…"

All of a sudden, he had coughed out blood and he was staggering backward!

Qin Keqin laughed softly as she asked, "Where the fourth echo?"

Indeed the Great Origin Golden Bell did not glow anymore, indicating that Tang Bufan could only make it echo 3 times.

Tang Bufan was stunned as he muttered, "How is it possible?! It is supposed to be echoed 9 times…"

The Devil Goddess had clearly told him that he would be able to make the Great Origin Golden Bell to echo 9 times…

Qin Keqin chuckled softly, "I don't know what gives this Protégé Tang Bufan the courage to mouth such bold words in front of everyone. Now, this is really so awkward. However, making the Great Origin Golden Bell to echo 3 times in a row isn't all that bad too."

Although Tang Bufan had made the Great Origin Golden Bell to echo 3 times and he had proved himself to be a genius but his arrogancy had won him all the hatred in the Heavens Ridge Villa.

All of a sudden, Lu Qingyun was not the most hated protégé anymore.

Instead, it had become Tang Bufan instead.

Qin Keqin then winked at Lu Qingyun, "Why don't Protégé Lu Qingyun comes forward for your test?"

Lu Qingyun was startled that he had been called by Qin Keqin to come forward and he did so; he was still feeling quite delighted that Tang Bufan did not make the Great Origin Golden Bell to sound 8 times and for now, Qin Keqin is still available.