Fixing Qin Keqin (1)

Supremacy Wen Hongguang smirked at Qin Keqin, "How about a friendly duel between the two sect leaders of our cultivation sect?" 

"Oh?" Qin Keqin said coolly, "You want to spar with me? Haven't you heard that the phoenix doesn't always give birth to phoenixes and sometimes a mere chicken will be the product? What makes you think I am a phoenix and not a chicken?"

Supremacy Wen Hongguang was slightly startled. That was the words that he had wanted to use to rub salt on her wounds after he had soundly embarrassed her after the duel.

If she did not accept his challenge then it would be pointless for him to come here…

Therefore he had to provoke her.

So he said coldly, "You know, I am also here to take a consort and I think that Sect Leader Qin is ideal to be my consort."

Qin Keqin chuckled, "Manor Grandmaster Wen must be joking. I've heard that you already have multiple consorts. Surely you are not a lecherous man like what the street peddlers have said. I don't believe it in the least."

Supremacy Wen Hongguang was growing a little impatient so he said coldly, "Indeed I am such a man. I am here to take you away to be my little consort, whether you like it or not."

Celestial Bai Laoxiong purposely slammed his fist on the table, "This is too preposterous! Do you think that you can get away with insulting our sect leader in this manner? Do you think that the Heavens Ridge Villa is afraid of the Solitary Manor? If you want a fight, so be it!"

Supremacy Wen Hongguang laughed as he raised his thumb to him, "It seems that in the entire Heavens Ridge Villa, only you have the guts to speak to me in this manner. Is everyone else dead or just cowards?"

Lu Qingyun almost flipped when he had heard him as he thought: He is singing his friend's praises. They are so shameless…

Qin Keqin smiled wryly as she looked intently at Supremacy Wen Hongguang, "What did you just say just now? This is your last chance to take back your words and to depart from here immediately."

Supremacy Wen Hongguang laughed jovially, "I am going to take you as my little consort and play with you till my heart's content. You will then wish that you will never know another man again."

Qin Keqin hummed coldly, "You are really asking for it. Celestial Bai, may I beseech you to take care of Manor Grandmaster Wen and show him out of the door like a dog?"

Celestial Bai Laoxiong was startled. This was not in their script!

The protégés of the Heavens Ridge Villa were all shouting angrily, "If it is our Celestial Bai, so what if he is a supremacy?"

"Celestial Bai is the grand elder of the White Spirit Hall and he is our strongest cultivation expert in the Heavens Ridge Villa…"

"If it is Celestial Bai, then we won't lose for sure!"

"We still got Celestial Shi Guanyin and Celestial Kong Guxin here. With three golden celestials here, even a supremacy has reasons to be afraid!"

Qin Keqin gazed upon Celestial Bai Laoxiong, "Celestial Bai, what are you waiting for? Didn't you just slam the table for me just now?"

Celestial Bai Laoxiong was speechless.

He really did not want to fight his good friend. But because everyone was looking at him, he reluctantly took slow steps to face Supremacy Wen Hongguang.

While he was a powerful golden celestial but he was merely a 5th realm golden celestial and there was no way he was able to win against a 6th realm golden supremacy like Wen Hongguang. 

Supremacy Wen Hongguang naturally also did not want to fight Celestial Bai Laoxiong so he turned to Qin Keqin to say, "This won't do. I am a man of status. First of all, I don't want to get into bad blood with the Heavens Ridge Villa. I am here to cement an alliance between our two cultivation sects. Nothing is more ideal than a marriage between the the two cultivation sects, am I right?"

Then he scoffed coldly, "But since Acting Sect Leader Qin wants to reject my good meaning offer then there is only one way. If you can handle thirty strokes from me then I will leave peacefully. But if you cannot then I shall give you two choices. Either accepts that the Solitary Manor is the superior cultivation sect or you accept my marriage proposal."

Qin Keqin replied coldly, "How come all the stakes seem to go your way? This isn't fair, right? How about we raise the stake a little. If I am unable to defeat you within thirty strokes then I shall give you a divine sword. But if I am able to win, you must compensate me with 100 high grade spirit stones."

Supremacy Wen Hongguang was startled, "You have a divine sword?"

The truth was, none of the four powerhouses of New Empyrean City had a divine sword. After all, New Empyrean City was not exactly a top tier cultivator city. Also even a half-step mortal divine sword could easily cost more than 1000 high grade spirit stones. 100 high grade spirit stones were considered extremely dirt cheap.

Qin Keqin chuckled and said, "Qingyun, why don't you show them your divine sword that I have given you a few days ago."

Lu Qingyun had immediately stepped forward and displayed the divine sword from his spatial ring. As he unsheathed the divine sword, the sharp and profound aura was undeniably that of a celestial-step divine sword!

The divine sword stunned everyone because this was a celestial-step divine sword! 

It is because, it is more powerful and valuable than the heaven-step divine sword which is a dream divine sword for almost all the cultivation sects! 

Supremacy Wen Hongguang's jaws almost dropped when he saw the celestial-step divine sword. 

And did he hear that this powerful celestial-step divine sword was given to this Protege Lu Qingyun? And how the heck was this mere first realm cultivator able to lift a divine sword? One must know that a divine sword requires immerse profound strength to even lift it and usually only the most powerful 4th realm cultivators would be able to do so for the more more inferior divine swords. 

But a celestial-step divine sword would require at least the 6th realm cultivation in order to even lift it!