Who Fixing Who?

There were still mute silence from the majority of the ordinary proteges when the Great Saint Hu Yaobang had left all as suddenly as he had come. 

Of course, this also included the senior proteges, core proteges, the elders and the grand elders as well. 

They had no idea what had happened just now when the Great Saint Hu Yaobang had suddenly turned around to leave as quickly as he had come. 

This Acting Sect Leader Qin Keqin of theirs was a little too mysterious and even a little too terrifying!

Celestial Shi Guanyin quietly whispered to the other five grand elders, "I think, we ought to pay our sect leader a proper greeting."

The truth was that none of them had really regarded the acting sect leader as a real sect leader and did not even care to exchange a single formality with her. They were all hoping that she would be gone as soon as possible.

Grand Elder Yun Xing nodded with a weak smile, "We should…"

Celestial Kong Guxin muttered, "I would say as soon as possible. The faster the better…"

Celestial Bai Laoxiong had turned pale. He was totally speechless that Supremacy Wen Hongguang would lose. He had not only lost but he had also lost very badly.

This had resulted in his plans being screwed and he had to put off his plans for the time being. 

Tang Bufan was hoping that Supremacy Wen Hongguang would help to teach Qin Keqin a lesson and to distract her from him. Now it seemed that he had to work with the Devil Goddess in order to preserve his life…

But he still did not understand why he was unable to sound the Great Origin Golden Bell and he was already thinking of looking for the Devil Goddess to ask about it. 

Qin Keqin merely smiled to everyone after the Great Saint Hu Yaobang was gone but in secret, she was cursing her two sister-saintesses that were watching the show outside because they didn't step in to help her. 

She pretended to sigh softly instead, "I've almost forgotten that today is the protege ceremony and someone has to barge in to disrupt the introduction of the newly initiated protégés."

Suddenly all the core protégés were all looking at Lu Qingyun and were greeting him left and right.

"Senior Brother Lu!"

"What a pleasure to know you…"

"You are really a handsome. I mean it!"

"You must be a genius cultivator…"

"Your junior brother here is here. Just ask me if you need any help!"

Lu Qingyun was awkward as he was being surrounded by the cheering proteges that were all crowding around him.

Lie Xingyuan and Ouyang Xue can't even squeeze through the crowds of proteges to talk to him. 

Except for Tang Bufan, most of proteges were now accepting Lu Qingyun as a core protege and they did not think that he was weak now especially after he had defeated Lin Pingzhi with his bare hand. 

Celestial Shi Guangyin immediately interrupted the cheerings and ordered the protege initiation ceremony to continue. 

The ceremony was quite standard and the grand elders repeated the rules of the Heavens Ridge Villa to all the newly joined proteges. 

Lu Qingyun had already memorized all the major and minor rules of the Heavens Ridge Villa. 

Shortly after the protege initiation ceremony had just ended, the six grand elders of the martial halls had all gathered around Qin Keqin.

 The Heavens Ridge Villa had always been ruled by these six grand elders who formed the leadership council and they went by the majority vote to decide important clan affairs.

 They were Celestial Bai Laoxiong from the White Spirit Hall, Celestial Shi Guanyin from the Red Heaven Sword Hall, Celestial Kong Guxin from the Green Fields Martial Hall, Yun Xing from the Yellow Hills Martial Hall, Wang Ming from the Crystal Cloud Spirit Hall and Mu Han from the Blue Lake Sword Hall.

 But now they had an unofficial sect leader who had suddenly decided to stay for a little longer in the Heavens Ridge Villa and she was Qin Keqin.

 After witnessing how she had brought Supremacy Wen Hongguang down, now all six grand elders were suddenly respectful toward this new acting sect leader.

 Qin Keqin was quite startled at their suddenly change of attitude but it was not a total surprise to her. It was because in the celestial fraternity, those who had the strength still call the shots.

 She smiled wryly, "I will be personally instructing Lu Qingyun. Have him move to a bigger abode as I will be moving in with him."

 Immediately all the grand elders were startled.

 Celestial Shi Guanyin smiled weakly, "Acting Sect Leader Qin, this may not be a nice thing. After all, he is only a core disciple while you are a highly esteemed sect leader. There may be gossips…"

 All the grand elders were all nodding as were muttering.

 Qin Keqin chuckled, "It doesn't bother me at all. Have you forgotten that I have made a pledge to be his dao cultivation partner now? Anyway, I won't be staying in New Empyrean City for too long. Therefore I want to make it as convenient as possible for me to instruct him. This decision is final."

 Celestial Shi Guanyin bowed with her hands, "Alright then…"

 "Oh yes, before I dismiss all of you," Qin Keqin smiled mysteriously. "There is actually something else."

 "Oh?" Everyone was looking at her and at one another.

 She had suddenly gazed upon Celestial Bai Laoxiong, "I know that you and Supremacy Wen are good friends and are even as close as brothers. Am I right?"

 Celestial Bai Laoxiong had immediately turned ashen as he stammered, "This is a malicious lie! Who dare to spread such malicious lie on me?"

 Qin Keqin gave him a lazy look, "Supremacy Wen is here today at your invitation. Do you really think that I do not know about it?"

 Celestial Bai Laoxiong smiled coldly, "I hope that Acting Sect Leader Qin will investigate this matter thoroughly. If anyone wants to accuse me then there must be evidences or else this is just a false accusation!"

 Qin Keqin smiled, "What if I tell you that my words are laws and my words are the evidences?"

 Celestial Bai Laoxiong was taken aback, "This is too unreasonable! The good name of the Fairy Jade Light will be tainted by this false accusation!"

 Qin Keqin rolled her eyes as she said wryly, "Honestly I can choose to close one eye but you've even wanted to bed Ouyang Xue."

 Grand Elder Yun Xing was startled as she looked at them, "What? Bai Laoxiong! You even have designs on my core protégé?!"

 Celestial Bai Laoxiong turned to Yun Xing with a weak smile, "Of course it is not true. I won't dare to. I am a highly respected grand elder…"

 Qin Keqin interrupted him coldly, "I am not here to listen to your explanation. You have three options now. One, fight me to prove your innocence. Two, cripple your cultivation core. Three, leave the cultivation sect."

 Celestial Bai Laoxiong was startled but he was also thinking: How did she know about my secret friendship with Wen Hongguang? How did she knows that I have been harassing Ouyang Xue? If I were to fight her, I may not win. It is a 50/50 chance for me. As for crippling my cultivation core, there is no way I will allow that to happen. I am already half an immortal. As for the third option…

He smiled coldly as he looked at the rest of the grand elders, "You have all seen what the acting sect leader has treated me. What is my fate today will be your fate tomorrow."

 Then he stared coldly at Qin Keqin, "You will remember this today! Qin Keqin! You have falsely accused me and I will not let this slight be easily forgotten. From today onward, I will have nothing to do with the Heavens Ridge Villa. My core disciples and I will be your eternal mortal enemies. Just you watch!"

 With that, he had stormed off from the hall but now before taking a knowing look at Tang Bufan who was secretly nodding to him as well. 

 All the grand elders were startled and they had no idea who to believe…

 Qin Keqin chuckled, not bothered by his threats at all.

She said sternly as she commanded, "Grand Elder Wang Ming! From today onward, you shall take over Bai Laoxiong's White Spirit Hall."

Grand Elder Wang Ming was startled as he looked at Celestial Shi Guanyin and Celestial Kong Guxin, "I…what? I am only a fourth realm immortal celestial. Maybe Celestial Guanyin and Celestial Guxin is a better candidate. Besides, I can't cope with two martial halls."

Wang Ming was actually the grand elder that was in charge of the Crystal Cloud Spirit Hall.

He was actually more afraid that the protégés of the White Spirit Hall would not welcome him.

 In fact, he had broken out in cold sweat.

The elders from the White Spirit Hall were actually difficult to be deal with. He knew that because his Crystal Cloud Spirit Hall had been in fierce rivalries with the White Spirit Hall. Was the sect leader messing up with him? However he dared not protest because he was simply only a fourth realm expert.

 Qin Keqin smiled as she said nonchalantly, "You are the grand elder of the Crystal Cloud Spirit Hall. Your martial practices won't be too far from the White Spirit Hall so I feel more at ease with you in charge."

 Then she looked at Grand Elder Yun Xing, "I will be putting your core disciple Ouyang Xue to be a grand elder of the Crystal Cloud Spirit Hall."

 Not only was Yun Xing startled, so were all the other grand elders.

Ouyang Xue was also stunned and so were many of the proteges that were in the Heavens Martial Hall that had heard this news about appointing Ouyang Xue as a grand elder.

She was thinking: I thought that she may want to fix me after the incident at the teahouse...

Even Lu Qingyun was stunned and he could not believe what he was hearing. 

Grand Elder Yun Xing stammered, "This…this is…"

 Celestial Shi Guanyin was a little afraid that her rival Grand Elder Yun Xing would get more power and influence over her now that her core protégé was to be appointed as a grand elder so she quickly said, "It is unheard of anyone to be promoted to a grand elder without first becoming an elder."

 Qin Keqin folded her arms as she smiled coldly, "I've already decided. Anyone else has any second opinion?"

 Celestial Shi Guanyin was left to smile bitterly to herself. They were both fifth realm experts but yet the sect leader was not even giving any face to her. After what she had done to Supremacy Wen today and the way she shove Bai Laoxiong out of the Heavens Ridge Villa, she knew that this acting sect leader was too tyrannical to be reasoned with.

Therefore, she decided to keep her silence. At least for now…

 Celestial Kong Guxin who had disliked Celestial Bai Laoxiong was actually glad that he was kicked out just like that. For a number of years, he had been constantly oppressed by him at every turn. But he was equally surprised that Qin Keqin had made a sudden reshuffle of the martial hall leadership.

 All the grand elders muttered, "We have no second opinions…"

 Qin Keqin smiled, "Good. You are all dismissed."

 As they left the hall, Qin Keqin was smiling delightfully to herself: Ouyang Xue. From today onward, your hands will be quite full. This is a small lesson to you for fighting with me over him…