The Devil Goddess' Scheme (2)

Shi Guanyin was feeling extremely heated up in her bed chamber after consuming the Seven Hearts Hollow Pill. Therefore she had removed her outer garment.

 She was thinking, "I really don't believe that this Seven Hearts Hollow Pill belongs to Tang Bufan and his Tang Clan. But it seems legit enough."

 Just a single Seven Hearts Hollow Pill was worth the entire celestial resources of the Heavens Ridge Villa!

 That was why Shi Guanyin was determined to consume it as soon as possible before someone else had found out about it.

 If Qin Keqin knew about it, she may even demand that she surrendered the Seven Hearts Hollow Pill to her or even schemed against her for it.

 Since she was not foolish, she had decided to consumed it at the soonest time.

 After consuming the Seven Hearts Hollow Pill, she could feel her spiritual boundaries were expanding and solidifying many times.

She was absolutely delightful, "Does it mean that I will soon be an intermediate golden celestial soon?" This was too sudden and she had not really prepared for it.

 Shi Guanyin was smiling, "Qin Keqin, soon I will overtake you and surpass you. Even though you are an upper fifth realm expert but after taking this divine pill, my profound strength will get a tremendous boost and you may not even be my match."

 All of a sudden she saw Tang Bufan opening the entrance of her door and was startled. She was so startled that she did not know how to react.

 When Tang Bufan saw Shi Guanyin, he was extremely pleased because he saw that her face was flustered and she was aroused in heat.

 Shi Guanyin had wanted to strike Tang Bufan dead but she had suddenly realized that all her profound strength had been consumed by the Seven Hearts Hollow Pill and she could not muster any strength!

 In fact, even her usual keen divine sense was gone. Or else it would not be possible for Tang Bufan to even come sixty paces of her room without her even noticing.

 She tried to call out, "Attendants!"

But her voice seemed to have lost her power and was very soft.

 Tang Bufan chuckled when he saw that and he was immediately emboldened.

 "My dear master, it seems that you need a man tonight. So let me accompany you for the night. I promise you that you will be in the ninth heavens."

In no time he had already walked right up to Shi Guanyin's bed and was smiling at her.

 He touched her cheek and kissed her forcefully while she tried to struggle.

 Shi Guanyin cried out bitterly, "Don't you dare to touch me…"

 But Tang Bufan had already pinned her down and had started to tear off her clothing while caressing her all over.

 "My dear master, you are so soft and curvy…"As he said, he had already pulled down his pants.

 Shi Guanyin's tears were flowing uncontrollably down her cheeks. She had not cried for a long time. She was now a haughty maiden and she was also grand elder that could decide the lives of many others. But today she was going to be defiled by such a despicable man.

 "Who will be here to rescue me…" For the very first time she was wishing very hard for a white knight to aid her…

 "What are you doing!" a familiar voice was suddenly shouting.

 When Shi Guanyin heard a sudden shout, she was startled and was overjoyed. Maybe help would come after all. It did not matter if her reputation was tarnish today, as long as her chastity was intact…

 Tang Bufan gasped as he quickly turned his head around.

 As he turned around, he was smacked to the ground by Qin Keqin as she raised her hand. "Despicable cad, what do you think you are doing?"

 Shi Guanyin was startled. It was Qin Keqin!

 For the very first time, she was so touched and grateful that Qin Keqin would actually show up just in time. She swore in her heart that she would not try to make things difficult for her in the future if nothing unduly happened to her today.

 Tang Bufan had turned ashen completely, "Acting Sect…leader…it is not what you think…"

 Qin Keqin said coldly as she raised her hand, "It is not what I think it is? Then why are your pants down? I shall administrate the cultivation sect's justice tonight and kill you on the spot!"

 As she raised her hand, there was a sudden dark flash as a maiden with a golden mask had suddenly intercepted her killing blow!

 Qin Keqin gasped as she staggered back, "Who…are you…"

 The golden mask maiden said coldly, "Hmph! You are not fit to know who I am. Since I don't want anyone to know who I am, I shall be sparing your lives today."

 Tang Bufan was secretly pleased.

He knew that it was the Golden Mask Devil Goddess that had come to his aid and he was immediately thankful. It was indeed wonderful to have such an expert that could aid him.

In the future, there was nothing he could not do as long as the Golden Mask Devil Goddess was willing to help him.

 The golden mask maiden had immediately grabbed him and they had flashed out of the room.

 Qin Keqin sighed softly as she took a blanket to cover Shi Guanyin, "Are you alright?"

 Shi Guanyin nodded and her tears were still wet on her cheeks, "Acting Sect Leader Qin Keqin, thank you. If it is not for you, I will…I will…"

 Qin Keqin displayed a smile and looked at him with a concern look, "I saw Tang Bufan wandering suspiciously around and I thought that I should check him out. I have never expected that he…alas…to be such a despicable cad."

 Shi Guanyin lowered her eyes, "I have indeed made a terrible mistake in making him my core protégé."

 Then she asked suddenly, "Acting sect leader, you are not going to chase after them?"

 Qin Keqin smiled bitterly, "I am afraid that I may not be a match for that masked maiden. Did you see how she had beaten me off with those few ingenious strokes of hers?"

 Shi Guanyin gasped softly as she recalled the scene, "Indeed…"

 Qin Keqin muttered, "I hope that it is not her that we have encountered or else we will be in terrible trouble."

 Shi Guanyin asked, "Who is that?"

 Qin Keqin said quietly, "The Golden Mask Devil Goddess."

 When she had mentioned the name of the Golden Mask Devil Goddess, even Shi Guanyin was shocked to the core. "The super villainess of the three dark cultivation holy lands?! She is actually here?"

 Qin Keqin nodded weakly, "Indeed. She may have gotten bored of terrorizing the three dark cultivation holy lands of hers and may have decided to visit the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Land."

 Shi Guanyin nodded weakly, "Let's hope that it is not her. She is not someone that we can handle. If it is her then we ought to make a report to the Heavenly Fragrance Princess to deal with her."

 The Heavenly Fragrance Princess is the patriarch ruler of the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Land and she sat at the top of the hundreds of cultivation sects in the Heavenly Fragrance Holy Land. 

 Qin Keqin nodded, "That is only our guess. It is best that we don't alarm the Heavenly Fragrance Princess first unless we have further proof."

 "Also, today matter ought to be a secret. I doubt that Tang Bufan will dare to appear again. For the sake of your reputation, let's keep it under wraps." She added.

 Shi Guanyin nodded and was grateful immediately, "Acting sect leader, please allow me to express my utmost gratitude to you…" she had immediately bent over to give her a humble bow.

 Qin Keqin turned her head around and she was smiling secretly, "There is no need. We are after all, from the same cultivation sect."